Ok, a different verses type question.


Boats and hoes....
Jul 14, 2008
I've seen lots of discussion about who's stronger, Cloud or Zack, Sephiroth or Genesis and so on, so here's something a little different.

Cloud vs. Vincent.

After playing through Dirge of Cerberus I got to thinking - would have Cloud been able to handle the battles Vincent went through? Ofcourse, Vincent has Chaos inside of him, which is a counter balance to Omega and such like, but Cloud is hyped up on Mako, so it's sort've fair.

So, could've Cloud defeated Weiss? Could've Vincent defeated Sephiroth? Who would come out ontop in a one on one fight, Strife or Valentine?
This is an extremely tough one. Both have some sort of mental instability, and both are powerful in their own ways. The way that I see it, is that in FF7, Cloud has naturally higher stats than Vincent. This, coupled by the fact that Cloud is a Sephiroth Clone, lead me to think that he would win. But, Vincent has Chaos, and it has instant death attacks. He is also very cold, and I don't think that he wouldn't mind killing a few other people in the process. In light of all this, I would have to say...

Neither. They are friends, and I believe that they are evenly matched, and recognise this in each other. Besides, Cloud can deflect Vincent's bullets, and Vincent can dodge Cloud's sword. Soz for long explanation of nothing.
I dunno... I'm going with vincent on this one. He could rip cloud a new one.
In DoC Cloud backed off and let Vincent go beserk.
It really depends on the type of battle they're in. if it's a close-combat sword fight then cloud all the way, but if its a gun match then Vincent is the master. However Vincent can turn into monsters which allow close quarters battles giving him a slight edge. Not only that but he has Chaos inside him which just makes him super vinny whereas Cloud is only mako-infused so IMO Vincent would prolly kick Cloud's butt
I've seen lots of discussion about who's stronger, Cloud or Zack, Sephiroth or Genesis and so on, so here's something a little different.

Cloud vs. Vincent.

After playing through Dirge of Cerberus I got to thinking - would have Cloud been able to handle the battles Vincent went through? Ofcourse, Vincent has Chaos inside of him, which is a counter balance to Omega and such like, but Cloud is hyped up on Mako, so it's sort've fair.

So, could've Cloud defeated Weiss? Could've Vincent defeated Sephiroth? Who would come out ontop in a one on one fight, Strife or Valentine?

Interesting..., but we need more specific parameters for this vs. question. For example, is Limit Breaks included? If not, Vincent without Chaos will most likely fall pretty fast. If so, Vincent might have the edge because Vincent can try his best to hold on and then turn up Chaos and regain all his health against a weakened Cloud. Or is Materias included? These are all interesting questions to wonder.

Anyhow, I personally think in the most general sense possible, Cloud would probably win just because the game made him to be so. I know it's an unfair advantage for being a protagonist of the original, but that's just how it is.
Interesting..., but we need more specific parameters for this vs. question. For example, is Limit Breaks included? If not, Vincent without Chaos will most likely fall pretty fast. If so, Vincent might have the edge because Vincent can try his best to hold on and then turn up Chaos and regain all his health against a weakened Cloud. Or is Materias included? These are all interesting questions to wonder.

Anyhow, I personally think in the most general sense possible, Cloud would probably win just because the game made him to be so. I know it's an unfair advantage for being a protagonist of the original, but that's just how it is.

For the limit break question, my answer contains a spoiler from Dirge of Cerberus, so don't read this next part if you haven't played it or whatever:

During the battle with Weiss/Hojo, Vincent gains control over Chaos and is capable of great power and speed with his own body, and doesn't need to transform, so in his normal state his power has increased dramatically

As for materia, I think it would be unfair to include them, as you could just as easily say "ok, Cloud has KOTR, Mime, Cure 3 and protect, Vincent only has Thunder" so if you would like to include Materia, the two of them would have to have the same set ups.

I don't think Vincent would fall pretty fast without Chaos, Vincent can easily hold his own in a fight. In FFVII:AC, Vincent swoops down and rescues Cloud in a swarm of bullets, keeping Kadaj and gang at bay. In Dirge of Cerberus, Cloud leads the attack on Midgar, and you see a short scene of Cloud and Rosso flying toward eachother like they are going to fight, but ofcourse, later on Rosso is still alive and Vince takes her out. So for Vincent to fight without using Chaos, he is still very strong, and capable of jumping around dodging like Cloud can.
WAIT! so can we say that cloud could not defeat rosso? And Vincent did? Wouldn't that make Vincent the better? Or did rosso run away from cloud? I'm not sure i've only watched my friend play through DoC
Well, we don't see what happens between the two of them, all we see is them flying toward eachother, then it's the end of the cutscene. So anything could've happened after that.

Plus Rosso must've been pretty quick and it's not long before Vincent runs into her in the Shinra building...
Base Vincent or Chaos Vincent?

If we're talking Base Vincent, then Cloud takes this, but not without a pretty decent fight from Vincent. However, the fact remains that Vincent's primary weapon is a handgun, and those haven't proven very effective against Cloud in the past. Cloud has, overall, shown himself to be much stronger, faster, more agile, and more durable than Vincent in his Base Form. Well, perhaps Vincent has a bit over him in terms of agility and dexterity, but in pretty much all other physical aspects, Cloud has Vincent beat. Even if they start with a significant distance between them, Cloud has shown himself to be more than capable of deflecting bullets with quite a bit of ease. So long as he keeps an eye on Vincent and makes sure never to lose sight of him, keeping Vincent's assault at bay should be a pretty simple task. This basically means that Vincent is helpless to damage Cloud as he closes the distance between the two of them. He can flip around all he wants, but the only way he can do significant damage to his opponent at a distance is with his gun, and Cloud is easily capable of deflecting bullets. The fact that they're coming from one single target makes dealing with them all the easier for Cloud.

Once the distance between them is closed, it's over. I'm not saying that Vincent doesn't have some physical strength to his name, but he just...doesn't have a melee weapon. That sort of combat isn't what he specializes in. Even so, it's pretty obvious that Cloud trumps Base Vincent in terms of sheer brute strength. Even if he were to turn into Galian Beast, I think Cloud would have the edge due to his superior agility (and Vincent would be giving up his primary weapon, allowing Cloud to pretty much attack freely while jumping around faster than Vincent can keep up). Vincent would probably be able to dodge the first couple swings, but I seriously doubt he'd keep it up for very long. And again, Vincent would simply be unable to attack. What's he going to do? Claw Cloud's eyes out? Yes, he'd probably give him some trouble, but Vincent just doesn't have any solid, dependable ways of attacking Cloud. Either he throws easily-deflected bullets at him or he strikes with melee combat, which would be a huge mistake against someone wielding a sword.

Chaos Vincent? That's a whole other story. Chaos Vincent is up there with AC Sephiroth as one of the strongest entities in the entirety of the FF7 Compilation. He thoroughly outclasses Cloud in just about every respect. He's stronger, more durable, and far faster/more agile than Cloud could ever hope to be. Given the extreme speed Chaos Vincent has shown, I doubt Cloud would last three minutes against him. He simply wouldn't be able to keep up with the immense, raw power Chaos Vincent has displayed. How would he be able to fight against a foe he couldn't see at all? It isn't like Loz, who moved fast enough to appear as a blur. Chaos Vincent moves at such high velocities that he cannot be seen by the naked eye. He also managed to keep up with Omega Weiss in melee combat; another character who far outclasses Cloud (and he's a close-range combatant, at that). Even on the offensive, Cloud would be relatively helpless, seeing as how Chaos Vincent would be able to evade pretty much everything Cloud could possible throw at him, with the possible exception of Omnislash. However, considering the nature of CV's attacks (massive laser beams), Cloud would likely be wiped out before he could use any Limit Breaks at all.

So, yeah.

Cloud vs. Base Vincent- Cloud
Cloud vs. Chaos Vincent- Chaos Vincent
in their normal forms, cloud would wipe the floor with vincent, vincent just wouldn't be able to stand up to the force of cloud.

but if vincent was in one of his limit break forms, cloud would have a run for his money. if vincent was in chaos form though, cloud would be destroyed before he knew what hit him