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  1. Sirkadaj1234

    Sephiroth, Pure evil or Misguided?

    I really agree with you! In crisis core he was normal just like anyone on this planet. It is just like us in a sense. Lets say you live such a good life, but you didn't know you had parents and you finally find out that they are extreme druggies or something. I bet you would be reletively...
  2. Sirkadaj1234

    Fastest Chocobo

    My fastest chocobo was a black one with a speed of 150.
  3. Sirkadaj1234

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    So are they just like testing out some things? Or do you think they are going to continue to do things with it?
  4. Sirkadaj1234

    Places On Earth That Can Be Used In A Final Fantasy Game

    I love these pictures! I am actually from Central Washington. I love it.
  5. Sirkadaj1234

    Places On Earth That Can Be Used In A Final Fantasy Game

    I would have to say New Zeland just because it is so big their and there are plenty of options their.
  6. Sirkadaj1234

    Sephiroth, Pure evil or Misguided?

    Sephy was misguided. I don't know if anyone has played Crisis Core or Before Crisis, but he was fine in that game and was just like any normal person until he found out in Final Fantasy 7 that he was an experiment from Hojo. So all of his actions were mainly based on revenge. Everyone has...
  7. Sirkadaj1234

    Sephiroth, Good or Evil?

    From what you know about Sephiroth, would you think that he is evil or just hurt and confused? Personally I just think he is hurt and wants revenge on Hojo for the bad things he did to him. Everyone has a bit of revenge in themselves.
  8. Sirkadaj1234

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Well I am pretty sure that they are remaking it. I saw some really cool videos of the beginning and it looked pretty rad!
  9. Sirkadaj1234

    Hojo-Love him or Hate him

    Well I don't hate him. Just because he was doing mostly what he thought was "right". He took it out of hand though later.