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  1. F

    24 and still playing FF

    Ey Krysta, Christ, A lot of resemblesses (don;t know how to write this) between us, I'm away from home to, living in Brazil for a year and seriously the only thing I'm missing is games especially FF, god what I would do for a little bit of leveling now
  2. F

    24 and still playing FF

    Haha, well thanx a lot, it's a relieve to now that i'm not the only one. BTW I got only the 2 albums of the black mages, are there any other ones?
  3. F

    24 and still playing FF

    Yes, you're right especially about that nostalgia thing, but do you guys also have the soundtracks and enjoy listening to the FFV theme?? BTW Vayne Solidor are you Dutch? didn't check you're profile but starting a sentence with Echt,
  4. F

    24 and still playing FF

    No matter how hard I try I keep comming back to that same old FF, I honestly think I'm addicted. I've done stuff and still doing, going around the world, finished universaty work but I always find myself going over youtube movies about FF, fanmade or just the music. It's been over 10 years since...
  5. F

    Oi, I'm new

    Ola, everybody I'm Frenk, new to this forum, just wanted to introduce myself, played and finished: FF 1/2/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/10-2/12 and FF:CC Played but not finished FF7 Dirge of Cerberus FF tactis (PSX version) On my to do list are FF3 and FF4 (Nds remakes)