24 and still playing FF


Dec 18, 2008
No matter how hard I try I keep comming back to that same old FF, I honestly think I'm addicted. I've done stuff and still doing, going around the world, finished universaty work but I always find myself going over youtube movies about FF, fanmade or just the music. It's been over 10 years since I first played any FF, my friends who played it back have totally forgotten about it. But not me, I'm still checking on wikipedia when the chocobo was first introduced (FF2),
Obiviously everybody here must have the same thing but what are you;re thoughts about it?
Echt, there's nothing wrong with enjoying a game, nor indeed a series of. If you feel silly for playing it then you're maybe just holding on to some form of nostalgia. If you still enjoy it then you're probably just trying to force yourself to conform to the belief that FF is for adolescent power-geeks.

[Moved] to General Discussion.
I'm 26 and I stil play it, there's nowt wrong with that old chum :monster:

I don't play it as often,although this year I seem to have been playing one game after another, where before then I was steadily playing less and less, Ithought I might be out growing them, but I think I was just preocupied with other stuff, I think I'l continue to rnjoy playing them for a few years yet

Although I don't look things up like I used to anymore, although bck then itwas more buying every magazine with the words Final fantasy' on it :gasp:
Yes, you're right especially about that nostalgia thing, but do you guys also have the soundtracks and enjoy listening to the FFV theme??
BTW Vayne Solidor are you Dutch? didn't check you're profile but starting a sentence with Echt,
I'm forever playing them, and I think I forever will be. :monster:
It's just one of those games that sticks with you forever.
I'll NEVER forget playing on them all.
Note I like the Black Mages. :P
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Haha, well thanx a lot, it's a relieve to now that i'm not the only one. BTW I got only the 2 albums of the black mages, are there any other ones?
Are there alot of Dutch people on here? I know I am.

Anyway, I'm 24 too and I still can't wait to get home so I can play these Final Fantasy games. I even browse the internet for pictures and story's and other information. Used to collect alot of stuff too, but the money's gone now. When I have time I even draw them all.
Been playing this since high school. Wish I found them sooner. :(
Yes, you're right especially about that nostalgia thing, but do you guys also have the soundtracks and enjoy listening to the FFV theme??
Yes, most of us do. There are a few other forums for FF Music; have a look around.

BTW Vayne Solidor are you Dutch? didn't check you're profile but starting a sentence with Echt,
No, Scottish, but we say all kinds of craaaaaaaaaaazy things.
I have some FFVII figures and also the soundtrack to VII, so it's not just you mate :neomon:

Om itching to get my hands on an Auron
Ey Krysta,
Christ, A lot of resemblesses (don;t know how to write this) between us, I'm away from home to, living in Brazil for a year and seriously the only thing I'm missing is games especially FF, god what I would do for a little bit of leveling now
I'm 28 and I still play it. There's nothing wrong with playing games til the end of your days. Gaming is more mainstream so that it's not just the teens that play it anymore.

I hope to play until my fingers fall off <3
Since FFVII came out I've always had a Final Fantasy game (or 3) on the go and I think I'll stay like this for a very long time.

Right now I've got III DS, IV DS (both very early in) and V Advance (near the end now) to go through. Still have my New Game + of Crisis Core to finish too and another playthrough of VII and XII on my mind. Pokemon seems to be my thing atm though so my progress through these is being rather slow.

Oh and yes there is a third Black Mages album; The Darkness and Starlight.
22 here and even though I've graduated college and heading into the military here in a few months, I definitely know I'll have the same love for FF games that I have these past 10 years or so. I may not play as much as I once did, but I doubt I'll ever turn away from gaming and especially the FF franchise.
Dudes we dont let age stop us from enjoying the things we like Yknow ?
to many people justify thing becuase of age....get this U started collecting Transformers again when I was 24.....and I didnt care what anyone thought because as long as what you like doesnt hurt anyone or do nay thing to other overtly then we are free to pursue what ever the hell we want!....I should stop now cuase I hate peole who force ther beliefs on Grrrr Argh grrrr
I am over 24 and still play video games. There is nothing wrong with that at all. We even obsess over gaming characters which is normal I would think for some people. I am not embrassed by it one bit because that's who I am. Enjoy it as much as you can because age is only a number and it means nothing.
Im 28 and still play FFs Zeldas and ALWAYS Mario games.
We are a generation of video game players. I always imagined my generation in a retirement home with large flat screen TVs and Tons of Video Games.
I'm almost 22 and I still love FF! And pokemon... and other kiddeh stuff.

FF is classic...
Just to add in, the 20-30 year old demographic has always been the highest in the video game industry. Well ,according to some polls anyway. I'm 21, and I've been playing Final Fantasy since I was... 8? 9? I'm not going to be stopping anytime soon, its part of who I am.
I didn't even think about the majority gamers being between 20 and early 30's age. I can name off 10 people who are at least 22 (my current age) and above whom I'm close with that play video games on an almost daily schedule. I'm not talking about just people who live on their own and never leave their mom's basement either. About half are married/dating and ahve at least one kid.