24 and still playing FF

I've found that the older I get the less I play. :wacky:
I'll play more serious games which have major depth but when it comes to FF I sort of only have 1 play through then it's done and dusted, I rarely go back to FF titles. But I guess I'm 16 and still playing. :gmonster:
Wow this thread is rather comforting. I'm 22 this year, and I still think of playing FFs. I don't play them as much these days, well not like I used to. I used to spend a whole week with my eyes glued to the screen.

I suffered a broken nose last August, and after it got fixed I spent 5 straight days playing Final Fantasy 7. I was aiming to complete it in a week, but something happened, i just stopped playing. I seem to get this thing, where if i stop playing the game, I'll end up just restarting it 5 months later.

but yeah, I'll always come back to play FF. Just not as often as I used to. I have alot of other interests that get in the way.
No matter how hard I try I keep comming back to that same old FF, I honestly think I'm addicted. I've done stuff and still doing, going around the world, finished universaty work but I always find myself going over youtube movies about FF, fanmade or just the music. It's been over 10 years since I first played any FF, my friends who played it back have totally forgotten about it. But not me, I'm still checking on wikipedia when the chocobo was first introduced (FF2),
Obiviously everybody here must have the same thing but what are you;re thoughts about it?

:tighthug: oh ,and i like this game very much , and i think this game can give me some wonderfull experience , and i do not know which game can competitive with it ?
I'm 24 also and I still play FF. although having a tough time trying to do this with a working lifestyle :sad: I still havn't finished my IX replay and I started it last summer! but I think it's like anything, it doesn't matter about the age as long as you still enjoy it, like watching animations/cartoons or U rated films, designed for kids but you can still watch them and enjoy them as an adult.

Anyway I hope I want to play FF games for as long as I want to play videogames full stop, because there's something warming about the storie and gameplay of the games, and takes you to a child like state of innocence of pure enjoyment. -_-
Indeed, it's easy at any age to find the time, and it's not in the least bit embarrasing.
Forgot to mention, It's very hard to play FF's as you get older and you have more coming into your life. Unlike back when I was a teenager when I had time after sports and what not, these days if I pick up an FF I have to take breaks days at a time. This is not because I want to of course, it's because I have to because of my lifestyle. It's a real pain in the ass to try to get motivated again to play after these breaks.

It's like if I wanted to play FFVII again right now, since I will be beating crisis core over the weekend.. well it took me a month and a half to get through crisis core when it probably could have been done in a week. So just imagine how long it would take me to beat FFVII again.. grr. Well that's all I got.
I'm 19 and have been playing for 5 years, and I'll probably keep playing right out of college. As long as you have someone else you can talk to about them (or all of us at the forum!) then you shouldn't feel too silly about it.

Can't wait for FFXIII...
I'm on my 10th anniversary of Final Fantasyness...
I collect Final Fantasy like the nerd next door collects stamps and coins. In thirty years, that nerd will still have his stamps and coins while I play though the lastest Final Fantasy XXIX.

But seriously, I think Final Fantasy is the only video game I would be play even when I stop playing video games. Something about the games just makes me see them as works of art rather than just a video game
I play Final Fantasy at my age and enjoy it just as i've ever done in the past. Friends and family ask me when am i going to stop playing games at my age etc etc, but it doesn't bother me in the slightest. To me, it's no different from watching a movie or watching the football team i support or reading a book, whatever. If i enjoy it, i get on with it.

Sure, nowadays it's harder for me to play games in a working lifestyle, but if there is time for me to be able to play when i can, i do so wholeheartedly because i like it.
But seriously, I think Final Fantasy is the only video game I would be play even when I stop playing video games. Something about the games just makes me see them as works of art rather than just a video game

Same here, as soon as i got my ps3 i threw out my ps2 games except of course the ff titles. They are like works of art i couldnt throw them away, there worth too much. The only ps games i have are ff games.
Im coming up to 24 in less then a week and Im loving my computer games, that will never change. I honesty dont care what people think of me; I earn my cash to get those games and will continue to do so for as long as I love em lol.
I'm 22 and still have the urge to just start an FF7 game and level like hell to kick that walldemon boss. I think that FF games are so much fun because in any one of the games there is a certain part that appeals to me so I just wanna repeat that thing. For example in FF 7 the part where u get the phoenix materia, the part where u gotta kill hojo and disable the big cannon, the first time entering kalm (dunno why), gold saucer...