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  1. Aries

    Why do you RP?

    Can I ask something? Where in this forum have rp games?
  2. Aries

    Release Date?

    I'm sorry,I wanted to say I'm happy and I can't wait to watch it :/
  3. Aries

    Hojo-Love him or Hate him

    How somebdy can love him:holyshit: He is f**king old bastard!He turned best friends into enemies to death!Hell no!Hate him!Wanna cut him on parts and put his organs in boxes by alphabetical order!:cloud:
  4. Aries

    Zack , Cloud Or Sephiroth?

    Sephiroth with sure.He is so...He is just Sephiroth - half god,so strong and so cute.And aww,what eyes!:tighthug:
  5. Aries

    Sephiroth, Pure evil or Misguided?

    Sephiroth is just victim of Shinra's experiments - like all of them.He fughted with this by his own way.And if you remember,after said him to kill Genesis and Angeal he said he will left Shinra.He was not evil before understand - unbderstand him. And he still don't know his real story.He think...