Why do you RP?

I like to RP because to me it feels like your on one of those cool awesome shows.You know why it feels like one to me?Because when your Role Playing you can act like whatever you want to be that your really not.And for some reason RPing helps me socialize or as everyone else would say 'get out of my shell alittle'.Thats really why I Role Play.Plus its really fun.
I don't Rp that often but when i do it's mostly just to pass time, work on my spellin and grammar (which doesn't seem to be working) and have some fun, and occasionally i will RP just because i feel like RPing im a fairly random guy when it comes down to it
I think I'll just sort of jump in here as this section is what I originally came here for anyway...

I have first RP'd... what was it, two years ago? I really had no clue what to do but I gradually learned how to do it and I still am very happy with how my character Aleister turned out. He is an example to most of my other characters although I try to deviate.

Anyway, I started RPing just because it seemed like a good idea at the moment. It looked fun, and I was in the mood... so why not? :)

When the RP died, I found that its disappearance actually took something away from me. The chance to write, and to actually continue writing. I just can't write by myself. I need fresh impulses, other people's ideas, interaction with other characters, conversations I don't make up but that naturally develop.

I guess I just need input from other people, interaction with other writers, for me to write well. I have found, since then, that an RP is so much more than reading, or indeed writing a book. It is so much more than playing a game. It is much more than seeing a film. You make the story, yet you are not the sole director of how the story goes, or how it ends. An RP just offers the EXACT combination of control and surprise that I like. :)

Oh! Almost forgot! Hi. I'm new here. :)

I like rp-ing coz i think its quite creative and its you need imagination to do it

It help english anywayz :P PLsu there so much you can do with it
Well rping to me is very creative and fun, it takes a quick mind and a good imagination to rp well.

Rping is often a great way to escape the stress of everyday life as well, as you can unwind and think about other things other than "whats going on in X"

although its not for everything, I recommend at least giving it a try :)

(the rp forums are at the lower part of the main forum menus, worlds of our own and re-written stories, the signup pages as scrapbook and secondhand stories)
I used to be a relatively big player among the Fire Emblem role playing community. The leveling system they had was absolutely genius, and it was very, very detailed in terms of rules and regulations. I stopped due to an excess of board drama - it was getting to a very pitiful point on the particular site I frequented, and sadly role playing was one of the things I had to sacrifice in my leaving of the board. When I say board drama, I don't mean I got in fights with people - my title at one point was literally "Peacemaker". Somebody on the board attempted suicide after their banning. Yeah. Turns out they just shot their self in the foot for attention, but this particular person had just been thrown over that final inch of precipice in their life when they got banned. I did not want one thing to do with it. On top of that, the admins of the board had a terrible bueracracy going on where they had a troll in power. I was a global mod, and I quit this status due to this one persons inablity to get along with regular members. It was a "him or me" moment, and I gave them what they wanted. I still talk to some of the old members usually, and trust me, I try to be a very understanding person whenever I'm in power of something like a forum, but this guy was over the top awful. He invited a member to his own house and tried to force himself upon her. WEIRD. I just needed a breather from their stifiling psychotic board, and I always told myself I would go back but that never happened. I even made my own roleplaying board for the members who were sick of the stuff going on at our main one, but it was a bust due to an incredibly lack of caring on my point despite being root admin and creator of the story and rules. My online life had to take a backseat to my personal and social life at the time. Despite all the drama, I DO miss the good old days.

So... erm, now with that little bit of awkward history out of the way, I can tell you why I RP XD. I'm a writer, I suppose. Roleplaying really has helped advance my English skills, not to mention I find it a very creative form of leisure. It's too perfect! And to find a community of others who are just as interested is very rare...

Sadly, I don't even know where to start with the RP on this board. I'd absolutely love to join! I just don't know how. I saw this thread and was like "AH GOTTA ASK QUESTIONS!!!" , haha. I suppose I should make a character and post it somewhere, and I understand that The Authors is where the regular stories go, but I don't know how to recruit people, or know what the regular rules are. Is there a specific world the RP is set in, or is it a Final Fantasy based one where the worlds are simply extensions of the ones in the games? I know this is a lot of questions, so if there's anywhere proper I should be posting them, don't hesitate pointing me in that forums direction =D
Well, I thought Role Play gives you a great chance to put what you would do if you were a specific character down nicely in words. Much better than simply thinking/imagining it.

Other people participating only gives it more life, in a sense.
I've been role-playing since I was 12 or 13. I like it because one can create stories while socializing with others. It is fun to take yourself and act like another character.
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You can beat the crap out of people without getting in trouble.

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I just post cuz, it's easy to enlarge my imagination and creation than normal pencil manga and drawings. I prefer Rping most of all cuz of those reasons. The more i write, more i fell better about my imaginative thoughts. I can really have an unlimited ammount of idead, moves, skills and ways of doing things, since i can't be or do in the real world. This is my field. This is where all my good/bad ideas come to. Rping.
I started to RP since octomber last year,I made my own RPG which wasn't bassed on a certain anime,I just made a small introduction and the fallowing players continue the story..it was with vampires,werewoves and genetic people with which we reached over 6000 posts..and we made 4 seasons..
After that I joined One Piece Rp,Vampire Knight,Death Note,Code Geass...
and I love to Rp very much,I found it like a passion..you can be whatever you want to be..with powers or not,you can fall in love,make friends..fight..as I love to write as well[having 3 current stories..as one I want to make it a book],Rp has opened me a new sight of a new World..and I enjoy it very much each day..[currently in a Vk RPG...] as I have most of the ideas running through my head..so it's a good way to express your feelings and desires..through letters!
I RP cuz I can actually be something or someone I create, just like Ty Tsukuyomi...I Drew him, and now I can role play him...Although it can be hard...Making up a new Chibi like language and all..
In Real life, I'm just an average kid...Who plays games and such....

It's fun, cuz your imagination runs wild and you can do whatever you want...But you still have to obey rules and such, which adds the realistic part of it <3
All in all, I role play to get away from Reality.
I RP cause my life is stupid and I'm looking for a way out. Plus, I need to do sumthin with all this extra imagination o mine. I'm constantly generating ideas and exploring the worlds of other creative minds are fun too! Rping is fun. The real question is why not RP? Hehe, in a way, Rp is like the sims, only more creatively free..
I RP because I see RP's as my own little world, where I share that world with other people, have fun, go on adventures and kick someones a$$. RPing is fun for both my imagination and to relieve the stresses of real life.
I don't exactly recall when I started to RP. I do know it's more than a year now. Back then, I role played so that I am able to direct a life in a fantasy setting. It was quite fun too, so that's just another plus point to my motivation. That was back then, when my role playing skills may be recognized as 'weak'.

It was only recently that my English language teacher inspired me to strengthen my grasp over the language. I thought to role play would be a fine way to achieve that target, and I returned to role playing, with the aim to get better. This has lasted till now. I think it has helped me a lot, seeing how I managed to get an A in a major examinations for the language.

I'm undoubtedly pleased. I'll probably continue role playing to maintain my competency in the language, and also for interest.
The reason I roleplay.
I love to write, but that is not the main reason.
I think the phenomenon that several people with their own fictionated characters can be able to create a story together, a adventure. The limits are endless and your imagination is finally free to roam in whatever universe you are RP'ing in.

I have been roleplaying for around 2 years now and I might not be too good at roleplaying, but I have learned to enjoy writing and creating a story.

It is also ofcourse a escape from the reality that we all share. You can create a world with others were you all escape too and get's away from the reality.

A Picture might say more than a 1000 words, but I prefer the words.