Search results

  1. Thumper

    Who do you plan on using as your main fighter?

    You can probably tell from my sig I'm starting to get hyped up about this game and what character I want to play. I adore Terra, and I'm pretty excited to be able to use her. After Terra, I'll probably play...Cecil. I'm more excited to see the old characters revamped and renewed than the...
  2. Thumper

    Who is hotter Stuart Townshend or Rob Patz?

    Definitely Rob. He makes me all a tingle in my nether regions. That other guy needs a haircut.
  3. Thumper

    Do Swear Words Offend You?

    Swearing doesn't bother me because I'm something of a potty mouth myself. I don't, however, swear around little kids, parents, or people I don't know very well. I can respect people not wanting to hear foul language. The word c*nt actually used to bother me a lot for the simple fact the only...
  4. Thumper

    Celes or Terra

    Ha, I love that the vote is tied. I personally voted Celes. I really enjoy busting her out of prison and then taking her as the lead once the world gets ripped apart. Her part is pretty fun to play. The first time I played through, I adored Terra, but after replaying it again I really love...
  5. Thumper

    What FF game are you currently playing

    I finally picked up FFXII again and I'm trying to finish it. I'm really just having a hard time getting into it. Every time I try to beat it, I get bored halfway through and end up playing an MMORPG, because that's what it reminds me of.
  6. Thumper

    Best & Worsts Discussion

    To name a few of my favorite aspects of the game... *Chocobo Racing; I wasted tons of time breeding those damn things, so I raced them a lot to make myself feel better about it. *Side stuff about Zach and Cloud; I really enjoyed learning more about what happened to Zach. He was always an...
  7. Thumper

    Who Would You Like As A Friend In Real Life?

    Red XIII for one simple reason: I want to ride around on him like a pony.
  8. Thumper

    Are you afraid to die?

    I feel like a wimp for voting yes! To clarify, there are days when I sit and think that death wouldn't be so bad. It's not that I'm depressed with my life--I'm just terribly morbid about things like that. I can't help but feel apathetic about it because I know, sitting in my cozy little house...
  9. Thumper

    Does anyone actually use Relm?

    I always feel a strange obligation to use every party character that's given to me. Even if I think a character is completely useless (I'm looking at you, GoGo) I still stick them in my party and grind my teeth through every painstakingly irritating battle. I did use Relm, but it was more out of...
  10. Thumper

    New? Oh Yeah

    Thanks everyone! Everywhere I use the name, people always associate me with cute fuzzy bunnies. But, I don't mind; I like cute fuzzy bunnies. I actually got my user name from Twisted Metal. It's a fun game. =) Don't play as Thumper. He actually sucks.
  11. Thumper

    New? Oh Yeah

    Hello! Just joined and I thought I might as well introduce myself. I haven't been part of a forum for awhile, but I always enjoyed it. It gives me more interesting things to do during my classes.