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  1. Martrby

    How long did it take you to get back to the game after... (MAJOR SPOILERS)

    The first time I played it I was young and naive - I kinda thought that maybe Aries would come back or return in some way.... I know....what was I thinking!:shame: Anyways, with that in mind I went through the rest of disc 2 with some sort of wishful thinking that she would come back...well...
  2. Martrby

    I just beat FFVII! Here is my review.

    Eeep! Everyone else's reviews look so particular and in depth! I'm just gonna keep this short as I could waffle on for hours.... Basically, this was my third time round of completing Final Fantasy VII, only this time I really took my time. Levelled up all my characters, chocobo breeding, pretty...
  3. Martrby

    Favorite TV Show

    I'm currently addicted to 24! It's one of them shows that's guaranteed to make you gasp out loud and keep you coming back for more - you never know what's going to happen next! I'm pretty sad - I bought the full box set of all 6 series so far and watched them all within about 3/4 weeks, ha! :shame:
  4. Martrby

    Do Swear Words Offend You?

    I'm not the type of person to just generally user swear - words in a sentence, it's just not me. I don't tend to get offended by people who do swear with every other given word, yet I do think they could be a little more cultured and try reading a dictionary every now and then. I mean, there...
  5. Martrby

    Have you cried playing this Game?

    I think the scene when Yuna is crying in Macalania Woods and Tidus holds her close is pretty moving. The whole sequence gave me the "aw" factor! But probably the ending got me close... (Nothings made me blubber more than a baby that Aeris's death!) =/
  6. Martrby

    Favourite FMV Sequence

    My favourite was proabaly when Sin attacked the airship! When the theme "crisis" is playing and then everything goes quiet and you see Rikku gasp - I love that bit! Also when it looks like the ocean is split in two, I mean, c'mon! How awesome was that!?
  7. Martrby

    where would you like to live in ff9

    It would have to been one of the larger cities like Alexandria or Lindblum =) Since I live in a small village myself - the thought of living in a huge hustling place like that is pretty cool!
  8. Martrby

    Hey all!

    Seymour is awesome! :) And there is me thinking I'm the only other Mart! Small world and all that... Thanks for the warm welcome guys! =D
  9. Martrby

    Hey all!

    Thanks :) Nice name by the way!
  10. Martrby

    Hey all!

    Hey all! I'm Mart and I've been a fan of the FF Series for longer than I can remember! When it comes to talking about myself, I suck =/ So all that's left to say is I'm 24 and from the UK. =) So hopefully get to make some new friends on here.