Do Swear Words Offend You?

I'm not the type of person to just generally user swear - words in a sentence, it's just not me.
I don't tend to get offended by people who do swear with every other given word, yet I do think they could be a little more cultured and try reading a dictionary every now and then.
I mean, there must be another way of telling to someone to..."y'know off".
That being said, like most people, I can swear like the best of them if I'm really annoyed or upset over something! :P
It doesn't bother me unless it was directed at me as an insult. If its just causal talk and someone says that it doesn't effect me. I swear a lot myself and all my friends do all the time. Also, if someone swears too much then i think its stupid. I mean if someone is saying a swear word a sentence, then i got a problem.
Generally, they don't really bother me. Everyone I know swears to some extent. Personally though, I swear a lot when I'm flustered or annoyed. On other times, not as much but it still happens.

However, there's about one swear word in total that just really bothers me and that's it. Nothing else has ever bothered me. :/
Not at all. In a strange way, it can actually be comforting. I mean, when I have a conversation with my friends, we'll subconsciously slip in a swear word here and there and that's just how we talk. It sounds awful but I know from personal experience that it isn't just my friends and I who use colourful language.

Now, racist terms such as the "N" word, I don't like. I don't really get offended, just really uncomfortable and I just don't like it. Sadly, I hear that word often because of the idiots who surround me, so I'm starting to care for it less and less. Not that I "cared" before, but I payed great attention to it.

I do however get offended when someone is swearing at me. I don't like. Not one bit. I rarely swear at people, because I know how it makes a person feel. I mean, especially if someone's calling you a "fucking retard" or something equally immature.
Do swear words offend me? When directed at me, yes. It's especially annoying when someone's vocabulary consists mostly of "fuck" or "bitch" etc. I rarely cuss, and when I do, someone's like "wow, Ann.. I never heard you say that before". They're only funny when used in a joke or something.. but they aren't necessary.
I frankly consider it immature to BE offended by swear words, as if some kindergarten child. Words are words, even those a society subjectively deems "obscene".
No, swearing does not offend me mainly because I'm around it all the time. My mom would say I've become corrupted or something like that, so it doesn't affect me as much as if I were "innocent," lol.

Anyways, not that I think swearing is necessarily wrong, but like Violet said I find it annoying when someone's vocabulary consists mostly of profanities. On that note, I need to expand my vocabulary badly! I think I cuss way too much and I rarely censor myself, sometimes even in front of children and a lot of times in front of my parents. My mom absolutely hates cussing (an extremely religious woman...I can't even get away with saying "Oh my God") and I know I aggravate her a lot when I continuously drop the f-bomb. But, I really wish I could stop because I don't think it's very ladylike and I'm not sure if a real gentleman would want to kiss a girl whose mouth reeks of the f-bomb :S.
Im sorry...I need ta "arf!"

When you heard what other cultures considered to be profanity in another language, did you get miffed? No....the option of offense was off limits. And why?

Because you did know what the fuck they were saying.

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They don't really offend me. However, it depends on how they're being used. Like for example - the guy who lives next door to me talks to his girlfriend something shocking.. calling her a fucking bitch, slut, even calling her a cunt. And she never seems to have done anything to deserve such language; it just seems to be normal for him to talk to her like that. :/

I don't like verbal abuse. There's a difference between cussing, and verbally abusing someone. And I don't think the latter is very intelligent, or right. Unless you have good reason to be angry.

I cuss a bit. I don't cuss at people. I think there's a difference. :/
But it generally does not offend me, if it's just used in normal conversation to express how you feel about something. Although I think some people need to extend their vocab a bit.. >_>
well sometimes but im never really bothered about them ,when someone swears at me and im a bit bothered about it then i just try and ofend them
I frankly consider it immature to BE offended by swear words, as if some kindergarten child. Words are words, even those a society subjectively deems "obscene".

I was going to say something to this effect, so I'll just quote it and save myself some typing. :awesome:

Words are just words...and most of what we consider "obscene" is just cultural anyways. Gestures and words that a certain culture sees as run-of-the-mill could be extremely offensive to another culture. That's just the way of things. :gasp:

But yeah, I don't get offended. It would be rather hypocritical of me to do so, anyways. :wacky:
I swear to put a comic emphasis on things, but when say my brother gets extremely upset at me and cusses at me, then I am offended.

I might try to swear less now because of how unscrupulous it is.
I am generally offended by swear words, be it for jokes or whatever. I just don't think it;s neccesary. I myself REALLY RARELY curse. If something funny happens I say "Holy Hell" or "Good God." If something bad happens I just say "Oh joy" in a sarcastic way.
I just think swear words are disgusting and disrespectful to whomever it is said to.
When I was little, I got offended by swear words often. But, when I got older and life pissed me off, I found myself swearing. In other words, I only swear when I'm extremely upset or if I'm trying to point something out. I don't get offended by it anymore unless it's used as an insult.
Swear words have never bothered me, in my mind they are words and nothing more

Plus im swarmed with swear words daily
Excessive cursing just seems tasteless, but otherwise, not bothered.
Not really. If you curse like you're a 10 year old that just learned a new word, it might be annoying, but far from offensive. Then again, I find that it takes a lot to offend me, since I've seen the internet at it's very worst.
Not at all. It's just part of the normal English language for me, unless someone is abusing the word and using it every other word in normal conversation. I can always understand when someone is excessively cursing when they're pissed, though.
For me, not really. I mean I do swear way more than I should, but I watch and am careful of who I do it around. Like if I'm with a girl I like, it's rare I drop the major curse words. However, when I'm around friends and all on a constant basis, if I get ticked off, if I'm trying to be funny at times, I'll toss 'em in there like crazy.

I listen to music with them in there, I hang with people who swear on the time. However, people can look really stupid when all they do is toss in swear words and it makes up about 70% of their sentences.