Do Swear Words Offend You?

I don't find swear words to be particularly offensive unless they are packed with some sort of intentional punch towards me using the significance we as human beings have constructed for them. Words are really just squiggly lines placed in order as a means to make communication a bit easier, but since the human race assigns values and associates symbols with "words", we create a significance around them in correlation to our life experiences, so on and so forth.

That sounds like a ridiculous explanation, but whatever. XD

No, I'm not offended by swear words. I swear all the time; even though my mom doesn't like it. :3 I think it was my dad and my grandma (RIP grams) who gave us our dirty mouths, but I know when and when not to use them.
No, swearing doesn't offend me unless it directly towards someone in way to intentionally hurt them on purpose to make them feel less. I can be such a potty mouth myself but I usually watch what I say to people when they upset me so it doesn't upset them.
Well it really get's down to how you define "swearing". If just saying a swear word in general regardless of circumstance or intent is what you're talking about, then I'd have to say I generally just ignore it, it doesn't offend me.

But if these words are being used as a sword (metaphorically speaking of course) with the intent to hurt or deter someone, then it can really bug me. Or if they're swearing at something that someone else enjoys (provided they know the other person enjoys it), or if they're swearing when they know someone is offended by swearing and do so anyways.

It's really about whether the person swearing intents to hurt someone or something they really enjoy.

Obviously if it's just a spur of the moment thing where they get surprised and say "oh sh@#!" then it's really no different than saying "Oh no!", and that's fine by me.

The only exceptions to these things are words that were created for the sole purpose of hurting people, like the N word for example. There's just no excuse for that.
Swear words don't 'offend' me as such, but I don't like them. Personally I don't swear much and when I do it's really quite mild stuff like 'hell', 'damn' or 'crap', but that's just because it's not in my nature to swear.

I don't have anything against people using the f word if it's linked to a strong feeling about something or for emphasis or whatever, I could understand that. But when you hear it multiple times in every sentence for no reason at all it just sounds vulgar.

And I detest the word 'cunt', it's absolutely horrible and shouldn't exist.
Haha. nahh. I was surrounded by cussing 24/7. I just sort of got use to it and not letting it effect me. my dad's like a pirate he cusses non-stop at the TV, the dog, my mom, me, etc. >_< Although it gets annoying it doesn't offened me. They're just words i mean come on now whats so bad about it? Some are bad but most them aren't really that bad IMO.
Doesn't bother me. I've been known to let the f-bomb fly every so often (like every single day).

I know when it's appropriate to use them, however. I will not, under any circumstance, use profanity around my parents or girlfriend. If they hear me swear, it's because I'm unaware of their presence.

I tend to keep my tongue in check around most people, to be honest. It boils down to respect. If I swear around you, it's because our relationship calls for it--not necessarily that I don't respect you.

I'm starting to drone on. Yeah, swearing doesn't bother me.
Generally speaking, no. We, as humans, adapt to our surroundings. For example, in High School over 90% of the population (student wise) will cuss at some point during their years at the school. It's something those particular students adapt to. Everyone around is cussing, and they hear it all the time so the words don't bother them. There are times to cuss and times to keep your mouth shut. As long as you distinguish that line, I have no problem with it. I can be a potty mouth, but I know when to not use that particular language. My Grandma, probably the most Religious person I have ever known, admitted that back in her days as a Bartender she had a huge potty mouth. Now, she normally doesn't cuss. She will say the occasional "damn" but other than that her language is clean. She NEVER cusses around children. I don't think cussing makes you a bad person. I think it's something we've adapted into. Curse words don't mean the same thing they used to, and now they normally are just... Words.
I agree completely with Clementine. I think it all depends on the situation and direction of the comment. However, I have some friends that swear almost every other word 24/7, which in my opinion, is extremely unnecessary and makes you sound, for lack of a better term, stupid. I hardly ever swear, and when I do, usually something shocking must have happened.
Hmm actually know, since there are merely words to express emotions to a certain degree. Howbeit I consider them merely as words, I admit that hearing it in places where you are not used to hear them can be quite amusing.
Not really, unless it's used at me threateningly. Sometimes I get offended if a joke isn't really all that funny or if I just dislike the person saying it. But most of the times I see it as something funny. I laugh whenever I hear people pair cuss words with ordinary words.
Only when used spitefully, they're annoying when someone constantly uses them as well.
Can you please put more effort into your posts in the future. Thank you. =]
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I always see swear words too logically and it annoys my parents. Like all words, they're just sounds. If a baby makes the sound of a swear word, is it really a swear word since there's no meaning to it, no connection to a thought or offensive gesture? It's just a sound.

Like all words, there is a meaning attached to them by the mind. It can even be different for different people. An English man hearing "sex" could think it means intercourse. A German hearing a similar sound may think of the number 6. So it's all relative to who you are and what languages you speak. So no, I'm not offended by swearing at all. If anything, I believe it can go far to emphasising particular emotions and by force of habit, I swear quite a lot when around family and friends.

Those who are offended by these words only have their mind and their language to blame. The meaning attached to the words BY their own mind is what they truly find offensive.
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I can't believe I haven't posted in here. No, swear words do not offend me at all. I curse fairly frequently and have no problem throwing a couple swear words into casual conversation, just out of commonality. When I'm around certain people I make sure to delete it out of my vocabulary... but I have no problem with it personally.
Ehh sometimes. Depends on the situation really. I used them occasionally, but their not my first choice of words. But overall, if I'm just hanging out with friends, then not at all do they bother me. But if I'm meeting someones parents, I'll do what Aztec does and erase it for a short while
Not at all, and I find it a bit odd that some people still do. Not that I'm saying they shouldn't but the sheer amount of swear words flying around on the likes of the Internet and on TV have probably made a lot of people desensitized to it.

I can understand why parents may get annoyed if someone is swearing near their children or something like that but when it's between adults it would have to be really extreme cicrumstances before I'd find swear words even remotely offensive anymore.
I once had a conversation with someone and we were talking about children swearing. It basically came down to her saying that she'd be more offended by being told to fuck off than to screw off. I don't see the difference, it's all in the sentiment and the sentiment is the same.

Bad words are only bad because we allow them to be. But bad words get used between friends in all kinds of fun ways and they aren't bad. I'm not offended by them unless they want me to be. "Obdurate, you're a fucking moron" is no worse to me than "Obdurate, you're a moron."
its all about the words used and how they are ment, swear words dont really matter... if there just thrown in casual conversation they dont offend me in the slightest, if there being used as an attack, its a different ball game, but its not neccessarly the swear-word thats offensive, its the persons aggressive nature thats the offending part.
Yea I don't know anymore, I mean I posted in this thread, but after reading a few responses there were some good points that I reflected on as well.

I mean backing up an insult with a swear can either be considered more malicious. I mean friends I talk to can call me what the hell ever, but when I know they aren't joking and they also start backing it with swearing.. I chime in and cut them off. I have a sharp tongue sometimes, but I rarely show that side of me unless someone deserves it. Otherwise I'm a walking talking swearing bastard, but at the same time a good soul.
i don't get offended by swear words, especially after hearing the f-word every day way back in middle school. it becomes just another word. people say f-you when they are teasing you in a friendly way and the f-word just comes out. it doesn't really mean anything to me, it just like another word like crap or shoots when something go wrong.