Do Swear Words Offend You?

I am almost never offended... What we see as "Bad Words" are not bad in and of themselves. We make them bad. It is all a matter of context. Example:
[Bleeped until I learn the forums policy on it]

*Stubs toe* "****" - Alright and sometimes funny.
*Looks at clock* "**** I'm late!" - Acceptable usage.
*Points to randoms person* "**** him and his ****in momma and all his ****in friends"

Well, I grew up with mostly men.... so you can say that im not offended. My dad cusses like a sailor and every other sentence he says has a cuss word in it. I mean if someones saying it torwards me I dont really care either words are words and thats all that they'll ever be.
Hell F***ing no it doesn't offend me. I use them when I'm angry. I grew up in a ghetto neighborhood before I moved to private school and it isn't so bad for me.....I guess others would be offended but in the end, that's the real world, take it or leave it...
honestly, I've never seen the big deal and they're just words -- although i also have the belief that it's the very taboo we place on it that gives it power. After all, "I'm FUCKING pissed" or "I'm FREAKING pissed"?
I'm not fond of swear words at all, I have rarely used any in my entire life, so I don't like hearing them, not even on TV.

Despite being a bit of a pain in the arse every now and then, I very rarely have any swear words directed at me, so it has to be quite serious when it happens with me, so yeah I definitely am offended by swear words.

Though I next to never speak them, I have heard plenty of swear word usage throughout my life, and I am not even that old, just goes to show how out of control mankind's language is getting, it is pretty foul, but I know of this already, so I'm not shocked when I hear one used. :P
Not at all. I actually use them most of the time. :lew:

Although, there are words that I would probably flinch at, but it would depend on the situation. If someone said 'c*nt' in a bar or club I wouldn't care but in general conversation I would probably think it's inappropriate. Not that I would care, I don't mind if someone said 'c*nt' all the time, I would just be thinking about the people around us. :lew:

So yeah, they're just words and I don't mind them. :)
No, I can't say swear words have ever offended me (unless of course they are insults fired at me at course). It's now so commonplace and used completely out of context now, that everyone hears or sees them on a regular basis.

I never tend to swear that much, though I understand people use swear words commonly not because they are stupid and lacking in vocabulary, but because it's a natural form of human expression in reaction to certain events.

I watch and listen to a lot of comedy. Swearing is everywhere even during friendly banters. Adult comedy is very difficult to stomach if the viewer is easily offended by swearing. I've never had problems with comedy programmes. People swearing is fine as long as it's not malevolently intended.
I never get offended by them when they're directed at me, obviously if someone directed them at someone close to me I'd get pissed. Only other time is when my friends decide to use certain racist terms inappropriately, it makes me uncomfortable.

Other than that, swear like a sailor, I say.
Not a lot. I hear people cursing like five words a sentence. It gives me the idea that's all they can say and whatever point they're trying to bring is pointless. So I don't get offended, but I pity the people who place too many swears in one sentence, every sentence.

I grew up hearing swears, so I usually don't get offended. The only way people can get under my skin is if they exploit my weaknesses, like my patience. But swears rarely make an impact. :)
I'm not offended by them but I get annoyed if people use them as every other word. Though I get annoyed when someone uses any word serveral times in a conversation (Like, definently, words like that)

I also get annoyed when it's some young teenager using them constantly to show everyone how grown up they are. It's like... ok seriously.

I don't like it when a superior or someone who is supposed to be a professional uses them because I get a little intimidated.