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  1. Vivilix

    where would you like to live in ff9

    qu's marsh because : 1. they have frogs 2. long grass and awsome theme music 3. peaceful 4. better?
  2. Vivilix

    Dark Aeons

    yeah i have... but i still think the dark aeons were tough... yeah penance was tough but not as tough
  3. Vivilix

    Dark Aeons

    well i had trouble with all of them except valefor..i must be a bad playing at FFX everyone says that the only trouble they had was with yojimbo. hahaha hardest i thought was the sisters, 3 vs 3... took me ages to finally kill them all without dying,but now they are all gone and iv finished the...
  4. Vivilix

    Walkthroughs? cheating?

    hello :D so i was just scrolling though some Final Fantasy sits and came across alot of walkthrough sites and i was woundering would you say that reading a walkthrough then playing the game is cheating? i would say it is...even though sometimes you find yourself stuck and not sure were to go...
  5. Vivilix

    To start again or not to start again...

    i would start again... if you cant remember the story line... then starting again is an added bonus. i finished 12 and did it again... but instead of leveling up everyone i only kept 3 and the others i didnt use, but it did get tough when i died and i only had the weak ones left :P
  6. Vivilix

    [FF IX] Would you like to see a remake/spinoff to this game?

    i would a movie of it... would be kick ass i would also like a remake on ps3 :P but not alittle side spin off on the psp like cris core and FFVII and how it showed u about zack... talking about FF7 on FF9 forum :O my bad :P would also love FF9 to continue on with different and new bosses...
  7. Vivilix

    Those outfits..

    So i was looking though google and saw the outfits of all the final fantasy 9 characters and my opion (which isnt much)is it that the outfits are really crap.. i did though like vivi's outfit... it is so cute :P so the question i ask is this.... 1. Do you like the outfits? 2. What ones do you...
  8. Vivilix

    where would you like to live in ff9

    qu's marsh of course
  9. Vivilix

    Party members

    i used: zidane- had no choice... would still of kept him if i could choose vivi- has no face expressions and is a kick ass black mage steiner- because he has shiny metal on him :D.... mainly because he could use magic sword quina- eats frogs... enough said?
  10. Vivilix

    What did you think about Zidane?

    Zidane is and always will bethe best could you beat a monkey man :P but cloud follows very close behind.The only thing i was put off by was the outfit. It just seemed really werid and crap.