where would you like to live in ff9

It would have to been one of the larger cities like Alexandria or Lindblum =)
Since I live in a small village myself - the thought of living in a huge hustling place like that is pretty cool!
I would live in Madain Sari
No laws
No crowds
Just moogles, moogles, and more moogles!
Dali. It's so peaceful there. I wouldn't mind a slow-moving lifestyle anyway, and since it boasts of a good view of the lower areas of the continent enshrouded by the Mist, i wouldn't mind..

(Or even if the Mist was already rid, it still provides a good enough view of the landscape, i guess)
qu's marsh because :
1. they have frogs
2. long grass and awsome theme music
3. peaceful
4. better?
^ Haha... cause they have frogs... XD

Dude, I would have to say the Desert Palace.

1. I would get to live with Kuja, who was definitely the hottest guy in the game. You know... for video game character standards.
2. It's far away from the rest of civilization, and it's well hidden. What if there's a nuclear holocaust? What if the Black Mages get pissed off and decide to make everyone on the planet their slaves? Living in the Desert Palace would have you SO prepared.
3. It's big and fancy.
4. There's cool/creepy puzzles to get from one place to another. It would be like living in a ghost house. Or with the Adams family. XD
5. It would just flat out be the coolest thing ever.
I think Alexandria and Daguerreo are beautiful places to live. But Alexandria seems too busy and if I lived in Daguerreo every time I leave to go for a walk I'd get jumped by a dragon. I'm not sure I'd be too fond of that...

The Black Mage Village was pretty awesome... But I think I'd finally settle at living in Dali. It's a quiet little peaceful town. :3
Lindblum. It just seems like an eventful place with a ton of sights. <3 I think one of the townsfolk even said it'd take at least an hour to walk around the whole place, so I'd be pretty content with that. <333

Oh, but Burmecia sounds nice, too. I love the rain.
-Lindblum without a doubt would be my number 1 choice. The shops to visit, the music, the castle, seeing airships come in and out, riding on trams from place to place. I would love that type of neighborhood.
-My next place as mentioned above would be Burmecia. Rain helps me sleep at night. I love the sound of it hitting the roof and hearing the cracking of thunder. It's just peaceful to me, idk why lol.
Alexandrea all day. Love that old school feeling with the castle. Of course it would be pre-the air ship destroying half the city XD.
Treno.i could imagine being there,probably middle class,playing at the card stadium with friends.or maybe lindblum.Definetely not alexandria,no wait maybe if they added some stores and other stuff.or i could live alone in the summoner's village
I choose to live in Vivi's Cave. The reason being is it's a nice secluded,and out of the way residence,and it has it's own fishing spot. Besides,every other town is too crowded for me.

I love my solitude.
I don't think I could live in Alexandria. It's beautiful and all. I could visit on my sparse vacation time, or on an errand to destroy the status quo. No offense to anyone present, but I'm old-fashioned and grouchy; I wouldn't do well in a matriarchal society.

Lindblum? Great place. I love big cities. It's also great because you can get away. But everyone already knows their place in that city; you're an engineer? Go to the engineering district. You're prissy? Go to the theatre district. Y'know? The city's hooj, but I doubt they have a leave-me-alone district.

Now Treno's my kind of place. That's the rich/poor place right? Yeah. I think I'd make my headquarters there and take on the mob, vigilante-style. Friggin' punk kids, wreckin' my city. Friggin' uppity aristocrats, turnin' their noses up at me. This place has got it comin'. And I'm gon' give it.

^ Haha... cause they have frogs... XD

Dude, I would have to say the Desert Palace.

1. I would get to live with Kuja, who was definitely the hottest guy in the game. You know... for video game character standards.
I had a slight I'm-not-gay-really moment when Kuja first showed up. You see him from behind, and his butt's all hanging out, and he looks a bit feminine anyway...Crap... Haffa change my name to dirtyoldman.:nudge:

Mod Edit

posts merged, please don't double post use the edit button in future
My favorite would have to be Lindblum. I would love to live in a place like that. For some reason, I never get tired of just going there. I visit a lot. The atmosphere just seems so inviting and full of life. Yup, Linblum is my #1 choice.
If it has to be a town, I'd pick the Black Mage Village. It's isolated and no one would find me there. I could live in the forest away from the noise of the cities. Never liked any of the major towns; I don't like crowded settlements.

Otherwise, living in the Iifa Tree and running into the souls passing through would be interesting. I always liked trees and forest areas. Memoria would be cool too--I'd stay there until I learned all about Gaia's history.
I would like to live in the Black Mages Village.
It has a cool BGM :P
But seriously, it is a nice place and very safe (hard to find it, I still remember that part :mrgreen:). Hopefully that the genomes will be there too.

Lindblum can be an option as well, as it technologically advanced and has many interesting events and places.