where would you like to live in ff9

The City That Never Sleeps.

Of course I'm talking about Treno. It's such a lively city, and seeing how I am such a night owl, I wouldn't have to worry about having nothing to do at fucking 4 in the morning. :wacky: The surroundings would be perfect for the hobbies I like to do ~
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I've only gotten to the end of the disc 2 before my data was erased...but I would have to say Eiko's home (awesome!) or Lindblum or Alexandria. (I think that's how you spell them xD)

Lindblum! Look how pretty it is! It's so cosmopolitan as well! I like all the little shops and cafes! It's just lovely!
I'd love to live in Daguerreo, its awesome there, covered in water, really old and mystical looking. Although I guess it would be annoying walking through the water just to get to other areas all the time.
I would have liked to have lived at Cleyra as it was a lovely place but I am going to pick Daguerreo as it was a nice quiet area and it was it was also a lovely place with all the water around it and it has loads of books so there would be something to pass the day
Chocobo Paradise :D

Ok but seriously I would have to say Alexanderia, the place is nice spread out and yet you have everything you need there.
My first choice was initially going to be Treno, but then I remembered the extent of the crime there and quickly decided I'd much rather settle down in either Alexandria or Lindblum. Most likely the latter, taking part in the Festival of the Hunt would be fun!
I would say Treno, growing upto to become a notorious thief in Tantalus :yay: Treno its self is a busy place there is always something happening their. whether it being auctions or stealing the super soft from Doctor Toot or Tot :wacky:
i always think of my medium sized slumish town as tenrio, but id like to live in the big city near here... so id say lindblum (sorry about spelling)
I second to the black mage village cause it reminds me of the little village i live in as it is.
Can we try and put a bit more effort into the posts, please? Try and at least provide a reason or two to expand your posts a bit, otherwise short one-liners are seen as spam. Thank you. :)
I would want to live in Lindblum. Big city and Airship capital of the world. There's always stuff happening and it's full of like and lots of people. If you lived there, I think you'd be able to see all the new technologies for its time. And who wouldn't want to have a Frog as their king?
Condeite pete or however its spelled gets my vote. That place was really cool. Mainly because i like the plot line between zidane and garnet there.