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  1. A

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Well i atched a video of one of the men at sqaure an he said because people have been going on about it they are now seriously thinking bout it so im not sure if it wil happen. i just realy hope it does =D
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    Help Level 99

    Ok, thanks for the advice guys very helpful, wana finish the game this time lol. =D
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    Help Level 99

    Oh ryt ok then fair enuff lol Well i better get cracking haha! Wat do you mean by master all the materia?
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    Help Level 99

    No matter how many times i play this game i can never get to level 99, The highest i got to i think was around 82, if theres any tips on how to get to level 99 without cheating can you please help me out thankyou. xX :P
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    FF7 - over-rated or under-rated?

    I think this game i well under rated, i was with a few of my mates the other day and i put it on an they was like aww why the hell you playing that its crap!! an i was like how can you call it crap its like the best gamer ever made!! YOU TWAT!!! hahaa! But yeh i think its under-rated =D
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    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Saying that now you mention it I think a new soundtrack would be nice as long as it sounds like the old one butt remixed I think would be really cool, and yes I hope they keep the same voice acting from advent children because they was good I think.
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    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    I think a remake would be amazing, but if they change one little thing about the original version "ACCEPT GRAPHICS" then i will not buy it, simply because the original version was the best game ever made. I read a paragraph a while ago sayin that sqaure are seriously thinking about making a...
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    FFVII for PSP/PS3

    I bought it for my PS3 an i absolutely love it, i had it on PS1 years ago an ive never got to beat sephiroth at the end so hopefully i will do that this time =D