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  1. Experaxo

    FFIX: Love it or Hate it?

    Final Fantasy IX is, and has been a classic in the Final Fantasy series. Definitley one of the retors. I like the game, I feel it was alright. Some characters were solid (Zidane, Garnet) and some, not so much (Vivi, Qu). The story was alright, but the emotion portrayed in the game...
  2. Experaxo

    Any plans for tonight?

    Tomorrow, getting drunk at a homies house. Friday, getting drunk at a party (costume party). Saturday, getting drunk with my girl and her girlfriends with some of my home boys. Sunday, well... I don't know yet, suffer from three days of being hangovered probably.
  3. Experaxo

    XBox Castle Crashers

    Hah, yes. I've played Castle Crashers. Definitely a fun arcade style RPG. I had to play at a firends though, due to lack of a 360. overall, it's fun, but gets old very fast. I got to level 50+ then we quit playing that game.
  4. Experaxo

    SOTW 115 Voting Thread

    Whoevers tag is number 2 got my vote. Probably the best looking, and graphically, most accurate with the theme.