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  1. M

    What do you think of the new summon system for FF13?

    ROFL! Dude I completely agree with you...they are seriously straying away from that FF feeling in my opinion. Their making it too...techy.
  2. M

    Another Industrial Age FF?

    Well..."The game's setting follows in the footsteps of Final Fantasy VI by presenting a world with considerably more advanced technology than the first five games in the series. Overall, the game's technology and society approximates that of an industrial or post-industrial science fiction"...
  3. M

    Another Industrial Age FF?

    In my opinion, SE should make another Industrial Age FF. The only one they've ever really made was FF7 and look how successful that was. The others were all sort of medieval times, futuristic or modern times in a sense. Idk..what do you guys think?