What do you think of the new summon system for FF13?


Death of a angel
Feb 16, 2010
USA but it will change soon
Well i personally like it however i have seen a lot of comment on the web that said like.
IT gives me the feeling of transformers and going to suck.
Among other comments i have notice. so plz come here and explain why you going to like or think dislike the new summon system.

Me i am glade when every they take a old system and change it since i like new stuff i like change plus i seems very very interresting so i personaly cannot wait until i can try it out for my self. odin as well looks very fun to be able to use as a horse and as a like shield if you know what i mean
We haven't really played the game yet, so I can't really comment exactly what I think of the summon system. Right now I'm still wary and sceptical of the idea, but who knows - I may end up loving it.

The Transformers aspect amused me at first, but now the idea just makes me raise an eyebrow a little. Having two Shivas turn to a motorcycle and Brynhildr turn to a racecar for example seem novel to Final Fantasy, but nevertheless a tad odd. If it isn't already, I can see many mocking this aspect.

I like a variety of summons. Having only one Eidolon to each character takes away that variety I've enjoyed from earlier games. However I like how they work in Gestalt Form where you need to input button combination commands to use attacks. It's something fresh from the usual "press-this-button-on-the-menu" routine.
i think it's a great idea. I love how they can "transform" but the motorcycle and racecar are kinda corny. I wish they still had a "summoner" rather than one for each character. Oh and I really like how you have to fight the eidolon before acquring it.
They can transform?! Into a motorbike and car?! Wtf!! This has to be the worst, stupidist thing i have ever heard. Why not just make FFXIII even worse than FFXII? Oh wait it looks like they may somehow actually do that!
I like this idea, actually. While admittedly the Espers of Final Fantasy XII granted you versatility, seeing as how you could assign them to characters of your choice, they were pathetically weak, prone to death seconds after being summoned. They also weren't particularly memorable. I only barely remembered who did what.

The Aeons of Final Fantasy X, however were the exact opposite. Incredibly overpowered, the optional Aeons in particular (Anima, Yojimbo and the Magus Sisters.) The game could be exploited and broken right up to the final few battles before story events took them out of play. And even then, you had pernament auto-life status.

Hopefully, the Eidolons are slightly more versatile, without being to weak or too strong. The Gestalt Mode option, although admittedly a little corny, and breaking from tradition, is new and interesting. So what if the game has decided to evolve. Provided they don't break the game or become usesless, I'm happy with the Eidolons and their Gesatlt Modes.
They can transform?! Into a motorbike and car?! Wtf!! This has to be the worst, stupidist thing i have ever heard. Why not just make FFXIII even worse than FFXII? Oh wait it looks like they may somehow actually do that!
I doubt the game will be worse than 12. I don't hate 12, just don't really like the battle system... you don't HAVE to use gestalt mode. But I probably will. I think most of them are pretty cool. Sazh does look pretty silly riding around the battle screen in his little red race car. LOL
I mean, it's something different :monster:

Though, I think imma have to agree with .Swift
I haven't played the game nor have I even heard about the summon system until recently so, it's hard for me to put my finger on it completely. :hmmm:
like Swift, I also liked the variety and how you could choose on who they were equipped to and whatnot (VIII) just gives us as a gamer more options and I liked that tbh.
I might like it I might not we'll haveta see :monster:
I think the summon system seems a little refreshing.
I mean it had the same concept as XII but I think it looks executed a lot better.
I just beat XII today for the second time, and I have to say I never used summons once. Well
only once when you needed to summon Belias to open the door to Giruvegan.

I'm probably won't end up using them in XIII either, but the concept seems more intricate, and more thought out than in previous installments to the series.
I think the summon system seems a little refreshing.
I mean it had the same concept as XII but I think it looks executed a lot better.
I just beat XII today for the second time, and I have to say I never used summons once. Well
only once when you needed to summon Belias to open the door to Giruvegan.

I'm probably won't end up using them in XIII either, but the concept seems more intricate, and more thought out than in previous installments to the series.

i really doubt it this seems like summon will be a giant part of the battle unlike 12 in which they stink. What i read and saw so far this have came across as extremly important teh summons not just to battle but the story line to the c thing the mark give every one a summon and it seems i mean even in the cute scene ya see them over and over again.
so i believe their be extremly important.

sorry for bad grammar
I heard they're important to the story too, but I'm pretty you can probably get through the game without using them.
*enable rant mode*

I'm not at all happy with the summons in this game, nor the system they use. I dunno, it feels like Final Fantasy is drifting farther and farther away from what it's suppose to feel like. Or maybe I'm just wearing the nostalgia goggles a bit too much...

*disable rant mode*
It does look quite different from the previous titles. I almost never used the summons in FFXII, mostly because two of your party members had to leave if you summoned. It's the same case this time around.

Although I haven't played this game yet, I don't think that I'll be using summons that much. The game seems too fast paced for me to even think of what I'll be doing for the battle.

Gestalt mode looks quite interesting, though. I definitely want to check that out and see if I like it.
i think its inovating and i like it, im looking forward to play and experiment with them
I'm not really bothered about it tbh, to me it's something different and refreshing. Whether or not I'll think the same way about them after I've completed the games, who knows, but I'd rather see something new now and again rather than just recycling the same ideas over and over again =/
They can transform?! Into a motorbike and car?! Wtf!! This has to be the worst, stupidist thing i have ever heard. Why not just make FFXIII even worse than FFXII? Oh wait it looks like they may somehow actually do that!

ROFL! Dude I completely agree with you...they are seriously straying away from that FF feeling in my opinion. Their making it too...techy. Lol...transformers...lol..lol..
I think it could work. I suppose only time will see but I've never been a frequent summon user because my party always get too good to actually need the penalties the summon incurs.

The only times I felt the need to use the summons was against the FF7 uber bosses (knights) and in FFX to endure uber boss overdrives. All the games in between haven't really provided enough incentives to use them and I feel this game will be no exception.

3 mist charges to summon Zodiark? (FF12) No thanks.....
I find the idea kinda dumb, but I guess it might turn out okay. I still rather prefer they just keep the regular way and let them be summoned and do there attacks.