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  1. D

    FF began to suck balls? yes no?

    I can agree but that is seeming to happen with all genres of games. This isn't just limited to final fantasy. Developers are being forced to try new things because people aren't buying as many games as they used to.
  2. D

    FF began to suck balls? yes no?

    Don't be mad at square just because they try to change it up. I actually like all the numbered final fantasys besides 11 because i never played it. Just remember, just because a game is different doesn't mean its bad.
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    KH The Platinum Match

    I always enjoyed watching my friends deal with the halo attack on their first try. Too funny!!!
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    KH The Platinum Match

    Who actually beat Sephiroth?? I beat him(it took forever) just curious to see how others enjoyed this moment in gaming.
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    I found it but it was not that interesting!!