KH The Platinum Match

I have a super long strategy... But here it goes...
1. have oblivion if not Ultima weapon...
2. You don't need elixirs just curaga and some ethers...
3. fight sephiroth make sure you saved right before so you have full health...
4. When you go in attack him when you think you wont get hit... When he dissapears dodge roll out of the way fast...
5. He'll come up behind you and slice unless you rolled now he's open for an attack take the chance.
6. repeat until he uses heartless angel then hit him before you get hit with it... hitting him makes him stop
7. repeat until he showers you with meteors then run around in circles until he stops healing when necessary.
8. I forget what else he uses, after these 2 spec attacks just beat him up till he can't move... He will use them more than once so be prepared to repeat step 6 or 7 many times.
Keyblade: Lionheart
Items: Many Ethers and Hi Potions
Strategy: I didn't have a Strategy...
Just Fight, fight, fight.
I only used my mp to attack i healed myself with items. When he jumps into the air u can do 1 of 3 things glide over and wack him, if u like to stay on the ground get close and unleas a big strike raid combo on his ass, or jump up and use the ragnarok so take ur pik these stragites also work normally during the fight.
I got up to level 99 had ultima weapon had loads of elixirs in shortcuts and just smacked him a lot i won easily
^ this ones about kh1 sephy
you cant have items as shortcuts in kh1
oh yea lol soz lol oh well nvm ill try to remmebr my tactics for kh1 sephy
umm oh yeah hit hit hit run run run hit hit hit lol
I finally defeated him today. What a battle...everyone kept shouting, "Heal, heal!" and was rooting for me. That was kinda cool.

Anyway, how did I beat him? I read this thread yesterday and got some ideas from people. "Strike Raid" really helped. Whoever said to use it when he's about to use Heartless Angels...thank you. That really saved my butt. I jumped a lot (basically, I took out the Glide ability and used Superglide instead.) The rest was pretty much just pure luck.

I used Elixirs, by the way...I had more than 20 anyway, and whenever I lost, I soft reset the game so that I wouldn't have wasted my elixirs. I was level 98 when I beat him...he still gave me a hard time then. =/
Im at level 60, and use the Oblivion as I dont have the Ultima weapon. I cant beat him, I cant really get a hit on him. He does this move where the ground like...explodes or something, and then Im instantly dead. It happens so damn fast, I dont even know what to do. The guy seems near impossible to me.
lets see lvl 100 with ultima keyblade. 2 elixers though i had an invitory of 7. strike raid and arms arcum which i ended up using a lot. Curaga and aeroga which i loved. Then mp haste and rage to help speed recovery when i was hit and drained of mp. Other then that just wailed on him whenever i could and as hard as i could. Acessories i used were to help boost soras ap.
Lvl. 67, 1 Elixir ( He was far away from me when he did "Sin Angel" or w/e ) Ultima Weapon, Curaga, Ars Arcanum. And a lot of practice.
Recommended level: Around 80
Keyblade: Oblivion if not Ultima Weapon
Items: A full inventory of elixers
Abilities: All combo, air combo plus, second chance and Ars Arcanum
Strategy: Fight him using arial combos and gliding away when he tries to hit you. Use ars arcanum as much as you can. dont worry about MP, i can guarantee he'll hit you a few times which will restore your MP a fair bit. He will use a move which drains your MP and HP to 1. you'll know he's gonna use it when he says "come". When he does glide over to him as fast as possible and hit him, this will stop him from using it. If he succeeds however use your elixers as fast as possible. then when you are near defeating him he will go BERSERK. Start using ars arcanum at every opportunity and glide away from him when you know he's gonna hit you. the good news is he uses his "come" move less. Just keep whacking him and you'll win.
For a place assured of Heartless, you might as well train within the Hades Cup. You just plow through the level-up system when training there.
Um, I guess I'm one of the few who actually found him extremely hard. It took me more than 20 tries before I finally defeated him, and even then, I had to level up to 99 just to say I'm the victor. I'm not good with these type of games. I'm so used to having my villains just stand there and not move so I can keep on whacking them.

I believe I used 4 or 5 elixirs, and I was so nervous while battling him. So nervous that I forgot to breathe for a few seconds while fighting him.
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I did and it actually was rather short for me....I was almost upset thet it was so easy to do for me.....I think I only used like 2 elixers and whaled on him....I was more or less miffed I spent all that time to make elixers and them...didnt realy need them....
Yeah, I did beat him...

Have to game for absolutely ages to get the Ultima Weapon to defeat him though :gonk: Couldn't do it with other weapons /lame

But then, I erased that file to make space for DQVIII. D:

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Sephiroth in KH1 is a joke to me now lol. The recommended level for beating him was 80 IIRC? My then-best friend and fellow FF fanatic beat him at 67, whereas I beat him at 58, both of us used the Lionheart. Eventually I figured out how to whoop his ass in a way that I receive minimal to no damage and avoid nearly all his attacks while still getting mad hits in. I can proudly say, after tallying it up, I beat him over 200 times. In a row. He's really not that hard once you play him that many times haha.

Me and my buds also set up a small challenge to make the fight more interesting. I wouldn't recommend anybody try this unless you're level 90+. You're only allowed 3 potions, no magic (cure), NO abilities, no armor/accessories, and only the Kingdom Key. You'll be going at it for a whiiiile, but once you beat him Sephiroth becomes the equivalent to a Shadow. xD