KH The Platinum Match

I never did it. It was too hard. He did not take hit-stun for too long and his attacks were to strong. I tried very hard, but it was just too impossible. I did get close once, but then he used that fire eruption and I was through.
I never did it. It was too hard. He did not take hit-stun for too long and his attacks were to strong. I tried very hard, but it was just too impossible. I did get close once, but then he used that fire eruption and I was through.

When he does Fire Pillar just roll out the way. Every attack he does can be dodged, but you have to make your move in nearly a split second. Supernova, his Omnislash, Sin Angel, they can all be avoided.

Fire Pillar: Merely roll the fuck out the way. Stand very close to it, and when the fire dissipates, attack him ONLY 3 TIMES. If you hit him 4 times he will teleport and counter; however, if you hit him thrice he will just do Fire Pillar again.

Omnislash: This cannot be dodged. However, it CAN BE BLOCKED. Just keep pressing [ ] in 1-2 sec intervals. When you block 1 hit, Sora will be hit by the recoil? and move slowly - though in this state Sephiroth can't hurt him. He will maybe swing 2-3 times in this "invincible Sora"; the instant you can block again, do so! When he says "No more games..." and does the final blow, ROLL!

Sin Angel: This is too laughably easy. He will run at you. Stand still. When he teleports, run to the opposite corner of the stage, where he will be waving his hand in a flamboyantly homosexual manner, with a rainbow tracer following. Before he even starts you should already be there, slashing away at him. Remember, hit him 3 times and back off. He'll do Fire Pillar after this.

Supernova: I haven't fought him for a while, so this I sort of forgot. I do recall you have to roll and glide to avoid it all.
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i beat him at level 50 with the Oblivion keyblade when i was 9
it was a long long battle, thats all i can say.
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I got leveled up to 100, Ultima weapon, and elixirs. After that, I just went in and started swinging. It was not planned at all. It was basically just an attack from behind on poor sephiroth. I'll admit I died at least 50 times trying to beat him, and when I did, I celebrated with a victory laugh and some tea to help sooth my throat from all my screaming.

Strategy: Fight!
I beat him on Expert at level 74 with the Ultima Weapon, two Omega Arts, and a Titan Chain.

My "secret"?

I spammed the hell out of Sonic Blade.

Not only does it bypass his extensive range advantage, but, courtesy of the Rave follow-up, it allows you to stay invulnerable throughout his prolonged attacks. I popped several elixers along the way, especially after he does that would-be insta-death technique, but other than that, I was never in much danger.