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  1. RaySpec1200

    So how long did it take you to complete the storyline :)?

    I don't remember the exact time but it was somewhere around 65 hours...then another 60 hours getting that Platinum Trophy.
  2. RaySpec1200

    Help FFXIII: Platinum Ingot Trouble

    You just gotta keep going. I've had stretches where I killed 16 and no drop. Then some where I went 8 for 12. It can get frustrating but the reward is well worth it.
  3. RaySpec1200

    Anyone finished this game 100%

    Got the Platinum Trophy and it took about a 120 hours. I had a 20-25 hour stretch in Eden farming CP cause school work took up most of my time and that's all I could do for about an hour or two a day. The "Treasure Hunter" probably had to be the most time consuming. Call me crazy but if I had to...
  4. RaySpec1200

    Favourite Party Of Three?

    Lightning, Vanille and Fang. I'll usually have Light or Fang as lead. [Mod Edit] Please try and elaborate more on your post in the future. Thanks. =]