Help FFXIII: Platinum Ingot Trouble


Fortune Favours The Bold? Yeah Right, Lucky Me
Jul 26, 2008
The Hideout - Lindblum Theatre District
Okay so heres a quick summary of where i am.

Finished the game, maxed everyones crystarium, and can take out adamantortoise in over 2 minutes (summons) :x3:. but for the love of everything i own, i cannot farm platinum ingots from them AT ALL! i battled about 10 and ony got 2 that was it, i have 2 collectors catalogues both * but having no success, this is worse than grinding CP agains teh behemoth and that other creature. any way enough ranting

i need your help.
Catalogs don't stack as far as I know, so just stick to one. Also... I think Collector Catalog is the right choice. Connoisseur Catalog is for rare items (ie. trapezohedron), not platinum ingots (common)... If you're looking for ingots then using the Collector Catalog. I believe the drop % is 5% so it can take a while. You might be better off farming moonblossom seeds, depending on how long it's taking you to kill turtles.
what the hell was my first post all about.. posted on a different topic haha.. somethings wrong with me this days.. stupid school.. anyway.. as I said before, 2 collector's catalog will not stack..
you said you already maxed out everyone right?. why don't you go take down those Adamantoises.. you could beat them within 5 minutes if you dont feel like doing the death trick.. Adamantoises and Long Gui's have higher chances of dropping those Platinum Ingots...
do you have to have a catalog on ur part leader for it to take effect?
do you have to have a catalog on ur part leader for it to take effect?
I think it can be on anyone but I always put stuff like that on the leader but I dont think it makes a difference whom its on but I could be wrong.
The drop rate of an Ingot without the collector catolgue is 25%
As someone else stated it might be better just to farm for Moonblossom seeds hmm here Moonblossom Seed..Bandersnatch/Jabberwocky, Common Drop
And dont forget every time you restart your game you can chocobo dig 5 new items. Wich might net you one of the dolls to sell or gold dust.
Pretty much any way you slice it, it's going to take time to farm gil. It really depends on if killing frequently for a small guaranteed gain (moonblossom seeds) is your choice, or if you can handle killing 10-30 turtles an hour for a comparatively larger gain but with less frequency. It's a psychological thing IMO... They're both boring, but one will seem more worthwhile.
You just gotta keep going. I've had stretches where I killed 16 and no drop. Then some where I went 8 for 12. It can get frustrating but the reward is well worth it.
This is so frustrating. I have the conisseur catalog on And I only managed to get one Trapezohedron so far. Some Platinum ingots but not always. Plat ingots are easier to get though. 25% drop rate and Trapezohedron 1% :ffs: I can kill any turtle really eaisliy and im done farming all the dark matters but TRAPES take FOREVER.
I think I'm in a bit of a catch 22. I need a trapezohedron for an ultimate weapon and adamantoises are dropping next to nothing. Even with the catalogs, I'm quite lucky to get an ingot.

Now I've heard Long Guis are better for the drop rates but I think I'd need an ultimate weapon to even stand a chance against them as the Death trick doesn't work. Is there something I'm missing here or am I really doomed to making adamantoises extinct?
I think I'm in a bit of a catch 22. I need a trapezohedron for an ultimate weapon and adamantoises are dropping next to nothing. Even with the catalogs, I'm quite lucky to get an ingot.

Now I've heard Long Guis are better for the drop rates but I think I'd need an ultimate weapon to even stand a chance against them as the Death trick doesn't work. Is there something I'm missing here or am I really doomed to making adamantoises extinct?

Yeah, I would say so. If you want an ultimate weapon, you have no choice. Keep farming adamantoises until you get a trapezohedron, then turn it into 3 using the dismantle trick. DON'T turn the turtles into Long Guis, they're a lot tougher. As I've said a couple times, there's always the moonblossom seed farming which I'm a huge advocate of because it's consistent... and that'll eventually get you 2m gil, if you want to go with that route. It's a waste of gil if you ask me, but if you're really tired of killing turtles, by all means.