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  1. K

    Annoying Phrases

    Damn! How could you guys forget Kuja's nonstop "Well now!" everytime he dodges. I don't know about the rest of you guys and gals, but I dodge a lot and MAN, that can get annoying. I mean, I love Kuja and all his fruityness but that "Well now!" makes me want to pound his face in! "...
  2. K

    Girls on the forum.

    I absolutely HATE it when people think girls don't play games or go on the internet. I hate it even more when they think I'm fat or ugly, which I'm not. I've been called pretty by most boys and been asked out many times. And guess? I'm a gamer, anime lover, football fan ,soccer player, and...
  3. K

    you know you've played too much FF when......

    You know you've played to much Final Fantasy when..... You nab an old lady and yell "PILFER GIL!!!!" Someone attacks you and you throw your wallet at them. You start calling your mother JENOVA You watch a zombie movie and scream "CAST CURE!!!" When someone asks "Who's your favorite sports...
  4. K

    72-YEAR-OLD woman loves her...Grandson?

    It doesn't really bother me. Its their life and they can do whatever they want. I just find it gross that its incest and they're related. The REAL problem I have with this is how selfish their acting, Having a child! This woman is 72 YEARS OLD! She could die at any near year. most likely in the...
  5. K

    Un-Official Dissidia 2 roster

    Dissidia 2 Roster I think I'd like to join this little game if you all don't mind ^_~. Anyway My "decisions" will be more of a variety in the weapons and class departments. I also think of the actual storyline so the choices would be fitting Basically the list might be a little different then...