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  1. Will Graham

    Top 50 Stats VS What's New?

    You should keep it because I am still in Top 5 reps and it is a record to my greatness
  2. Will Graham

    Girl likes guy who likes other girl

    You really seem to be in a pickle here OP, hopefully I am in time to offer some advice! As opposed to the rest of the thread I think you should try it with this new girl. Love is something that has to be nurtured and grown it doesn't just happen instantly. What you have with Becky could pale in...
  3. Will Graham

    Are there words you pronounce wrong?

    Unlike my dear pal Hal I often pronounce words incorrectly. For example I pronounce chameleon as chameleon instead of chameleon like it's supposed to sound.
  4. Will Graham

    Taking My Leave

    Goodbye, it is always sad to see a member leave. When people say bad things about things you care about that is unpleasant. I hope you come back some day.
  5. Will Graham

    Neural prosthetics Do you have a facebook sacha? I do not come here very often anymore

    Neural prosthetics Do you have a facebook sacha? I do not come here very often anymore
  6. Will Graham

    I am well sacha, I have graduated and I am working free for my old thesis supervisor hoping to...

    I am well sacha, I have graduated and I am working free for my old thesis supervisor hoping to get PHd funding next year. I am still in shock over your musical confession
  7. Will Graham

    Sacha, how are you?

    Sacha, how are you?
  8. Will Graham

    Nude Naked Nudes

    I guess even the tightest cunt would look gaping to someone with a tiny penis.
  9. Will Graham

    Nude Naked Nudes

    I hear florida is nice this time of year. There's a pair of massive tits in the thread after all.
  10. Will Graham

    Nude Naked Nudes

    Björk I am sorry I gave you that scar above your eye, but you could have stopped to see if I was dead.
  11. Will Graham
  12. Will Graham

    Yeah I reckoned my name on FB sounds like a fake account name so I had better leave a vm

    Yeah I reckoned my name on FB sounds like a fake account name so I had better leave a vm
  13. Will Graham

    It was extremely excellent, jeez louise I just realised it will be far easier to add you on...

    It was extremely excellent, jeez louise I just realised it will be far easier to add you on Facebook. So expect that friend request!
  14. Will Graham

    Suggestion Should Bank Interest Get a Increase?

    As I recall you donated all of your gil and still lost, oh dear. Hate the game not the player.
  15. Will Graham

    Suggestion Should Bank Interest Get a Increase?

    I have 75,000 without making any effort to earn it, my advice is for everyone to stop being so useless.
  16. Will Graham
  17. Will Graham

    Ari's Love Triangle - The LTD of the Spam Committee

    I love Hal and Hal also loves Hal, but ari wants us to love her. I am not sure that is a triangle, it's more like a wonky rhombus.
  18. Will Graham

    My eyes have been bloodshot and yellow the past three days, I consider 3 hours sleep a night a...

    My eyes have been bloodshot and yellow the past three days, I consider 3 hours sleep a night a lie in, I haven't eaten properly in more than a week, and I am losing my voice. College exams are so great
  19. Will Graham

    go to 45 secs in

    go to 45 secs in
  20. Will Graham

    I think your hotmail was hacked I got s

    I think your hotmail was hacked I got s