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  1. gwaa

    If Aeris didn't die...

    my views on Areith dying are simple if she did'nt the story would have stopped there pretty much and although she is good for healing because of her limits especially she is still annoying and crap at dealing damage.
  2. gwaa

    Help Missed Vincent

    But if you do not have him by the end of disk 2 then you cannot get chaos or his ultimate wepon is it death penelty?
  3. gwaa

    Here we go again

    No worries newbie you soon won't be, i havn't been here long anyway.
  4. gwaa

    Who did you prefer

    Makenchi is cooler but Kazai was still awsome none the less. Makenchi's brother sas still cool though. When i think about it though Kazai as a dragon did look cooler though.
  5. gwaa

    Dirge of Cerberus Possability of DOC2

    Why bother discussing it as far as i have heard Square Enix have no plans for anymore FF:VII games xcept for those waiting for release.
  6. gwaa

    Worst Part of FFCC

    I just hate doing the same thing every year, it sucked so much.
  7. gwaa

    Which female would win in a fight?

    Quistis could kick some serious ass but Rinoa is so damn cool and is a sorceress so she can't really lose.
  8. gwaa

    What did you do when Aeris died?

    Can't say i wasn't a bit gutted, i did use her alot really but when she died, i just shrugged and moved on, but it was my friends game origionally and it was scratched so i had to watch that damn pearl fall down the steps, slowly, like shot by shot about 17 times, it took ages.
  9. gwaa

    How many DVDs were there

    I only have the first DVD but my friend has got like 6, how many did they make.
  10. gwaa

    Advent Children 2?

    It doesn't matter they are already over selling FF VII series now what witth all the new games and the film, they will not make a new one i really don't think they will.
  11. gwaa

    Lent, It's a lie and you know it!

    Ok this is about lent, the 40 days in which jesus traveled through the desert without food, and also the 40 days in which the israleis traveled through the desert for 40 days, why is everything in the bible lasting for 40 days? But my real question is about lent, it lasts for 40 days and yet...
  12. gwaa

    Nomura on Kingdom Hearts III

    Because by adding vincent and Barret in there would surly mean they need to add more characters from the other ones, i do however feel that Zidane at least needs to be added as the only FF IX character in there is Vivi But what bugs me is the apperance of X-2 Yuna and co. Get them out i really...
  13. gwaa

    Hello all

    Good day to you all, i am gwaa, catch you all later.