Help Missed Vincent


Mar 1, 2007
Hey, if one skips Vincent before talking to Sephiroth at the mansion, and then goes and talks to him afterwards, can one still get Vincent in to the group or is he lost?
I think you can get Vincent regardless of what point in the game you're at...

The problem is with Yuffie...
If you get HER too late, you miss the whole Wutai sidequest...
when does the Wutai sidequest come in? I remember doing it years ago, but I'm worried it has already passed.
Hmm...I think for you to get the Wutai sidequest, you have to get Yuffie in disc one...

If I remember correctly. o_O
Hey, if one skips Vincent before talking to Sephiroth at the mansion, and then goes and talks to him afterwards, can one still get Vincent in to the group or is he lost?
Theres only one way to adequatly find this out....try it yourself. :P

Logic kinda suggestes you get both Vincent and Yuffie ASAP tho, would be best.
But if you do not have him by the end of disk 2 then you cannot get chaos or his ultimate wepon is it death penelty?
The first time I played FF7, I didn't get either Vincent nor Yuffie until after Aeris died.
That's odd because you should have gotten Yuffie quite early in the game by running around in the forests and as for Vincent, you have to fight a boss in the Nibelhiem mansion to recieve the basement key. That unlocks the room Vincent is sleeping in. I don't remember ever getting those 2 after Aerith dies. You get them before. The Wutai sidequest I believe you can do after you leave Cosmo Canyon. Also, I'm going to move this to the Help Booth. You might get more thorough answers there.
You need to obtain Yuffie before you carry on with your mission after recieving the Tiny Bronco (also after getting Cid in your party)**. Vincent can be obtained at any time, and like Lady Aerith says, you need to fight a boss to do so. He's a mean bitch, but use a combination of magic and physical attacks. He won't be so bothersome then.

Like mentioned before, Yuffie is available after beating her in any forest, and responding correctly after the battle. She has around 2000HP, but isn't very strong.

** otherwise the Wutai mission will no longer be available. It's worth doing, seriously.