Search results

  1. Megid

    List some boring parts of FFVIII

    I hated that part just as much. But, Tonberry was necessary to reel in some extra cash and not to mention some rarer items in the shops. Mind you, Rinoa in space is very boring. Very.
  2. Megid

    Favorite ff x character and why?

    None of them really take my "favourite" spot...I'll just say Rikku, her Mix Overdrive was fun to play with. That and, IMO, she's better then Yuna.
  3. Megid

    Rate The Sig And Avatar Above You

    Avatar: I think that is sitting in my shared PB account. *blinks* It looks alright, maybe a bit hard to see what's going on/too much to see. Nice colours though. 7/10 Signature: (A) 8/10. A bit monotone, but it still looks not too bad actually.
  4. Megid

    Guardian Forces

    Alexander wasn't all that useful, save his Med Level + which let you acquire Doomtrain. Now there's a GF you can be proud to have. I never levelled (apart from one time I couldn't avoid) my people till Disk 3, when I had all the HP/Str/Vit/Mag/Spr Bonus'. So you could say...
  5. Megid

    What will be your Christmas gift?

    You know, I wouldn't mind a lump of coal. People always say that if you're bad you get a lump of coal. Now i'm not necessarily saying i've been bad. (I may have, may not,) but I don't think I'm getting anything anyway so why not? Surely I can come up with 1001 things to do with a piece of coal.
  6. Megid

    A Due Revival...

    Sure, why not? Thanks for teh welcomes, I feel so...welcomed. Lol. Though I'll stay out of the whole family thing, lol. I'm an orphan ;P of sorts, anyway.
  7. Megid

    A Due Revival...

    "North, South, East or West, Night or Day. I'll follow you wherever you go, Be it to paradise, or to the very ends of the Earth, My promise to you, I'll follow you wherever you go." Heyyy, FFF. Nice forums you've got here (although maybe a bit too big.) Sephire led me here, wasn't that nice of...