Favorite ff x character and why?

Auron rules he protects people even after death and he managed to be a guardian on two pilgrimages.

Bushido rules!
Tidus definantly. I love how he is so upbeat and yet laid back and carefree. I also love that he has an emotional and sensitive side to him and he isn't afraid to express that. You don't see that very often at all in the main character and I think that's what drew me to him...plus the fact that he's beyond drop dead gorgeous, but that's just an added bonus ;)
Yuna would have to be second favorite. She's beautiful and her innocence is just so pure. I adore Yuna. She's so gentle and kind hearted. She reminds me of myself at times, but yeah, Tidus is my favorite *points at username*
Rikku definetly! She so upbeat and quirky. I luv her swirly eyes too. Her limit break is one of the best as well!
umm.. rikku coz she's good in mechanics, she's the kind of gal i would like if ever i would have a machine shop:D
Tidus everyone one else was kinda blahhh
yuna she was to weak she kinda needed other ppl to decide things for her
Rikku because she is totally awesome. She has the cutest voice and is really outgoing. And she is Al bhed <3. She also has neato clothes in both x and x-2 (i loove her skirt in x-2) and her overdrive is sweet as. I also love it how she is so outgoing and seemingly non caring when yet she cares so much

None of them really take my "favourite" spot...I'll just say Rikku, her Mix Overdrive was fun to play with. That and, IMO, she's better then Yuna.
My favorite character is Yuna. She's so strong and brave, and she never let the burden of her pilgrimage make her bitter or resentful, at least outwardly. She was always a good team member, but also very determined to do her duty. She kind of reminded me of Aeris, actually.

Second would be a tie between Rikku and Tidus.
Auron, because I just like his mysteriousness and he's very somber... I don't really know why...

Tidus was too much of a big baby, Yuna was just too into giving in, Lulu was just irritating with her bossiness, Wakka irritated me with his Yevon Devotion, Rikku was too silly and childish, and Kimahri was like a nothing character... So that leaves Auron ^_^
Yuna because she is very powerful with her summons and I love summoners. I also liked how she appeared to be weak willed but later we find out that she is infact a strong character. And I like nice characters.

Lulu comes in second because she was just awesome.