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  1. UltimaWeapon5

    Love and Disability

    Stevie! I am here to post in response about experiences and things i've had with my disability, as I also have Osteogenesis Imperfecta, meaning that for my entire life i've always had to use a wheelchair, or walk with aid. I can understand the notion of society looking at you differently and...
  2. UltimaWeapon5

    Rate The Sig And Avatar Above You V2

    Avatar: ( 7/10 ) Like what's been done with the colours in the background and the overlays - they go wonderfully with the image. (red to blood and dark bg to the brown) Nothing too overdone here, nice and simple. White border feels a bit too strong on both the avatar and signature though, so it...
  3. UltimaWeapon5

    Personality: Blunt? or Subtle?

    I generally begin with subtle, then escalate to bluntness. I prefer people being blunt with me, as generally I get lost with subtlety x___x it's like...hiding what you're really trying to say behind something (sometimes lies, even) and it just doesnt feel like genuine communication?'s...
  4. UltimaWeapon5

    [04/04/2012] Final Fantasy Versus XIII: “Look for news soon”

    I doubt they would move it to a new system...I don't even think any companies are planning for new systems? PS3 still has a lot of life left in it, especially with the Vita launch. I doubt WiiU will really cause an upset...and I don't know what Microsoft are doing... =\ I'm expecting a sudden...
  5. UltimaWeapon5

    What was the last concert you went to? ^ I went to this last night! It was amazing ^___^ I love living in Melbourne <3 such a fantastic orchestra, and (i) being a supporter of Eminence had a fantastic time meeting Phillip Chu and Hiroaki Yura!
  6. UltimaWeapon5

    FFXIII-2 Final Fantasy XIII-2: Love it or Hate it

    Simple reasons why FFXIII-2 was better than XIII: - The story was told a lot better: It kept the storyline contained to finding Caius and saving Lightning. It had plots in between, but they were well explained by the main characters and the datalogs were easier to read (at times) than they were...
  7. UltimaWeapon5

    FFXIII-2 Coolest monster Capture you've made?

    I captured Lightning and Omega today!~ Dunno about Omega's build, but I pretty much beefed up Lightning with passive skills and she now has circa 850+ on both magic and attack O-O she probably could have gone higher if I wasn't too lazy to find Mana Essence thingos....
  8. UltimaWeapon5

    OMG IT'S MITSURU! *loves you forever*

    OMG IT'S MITSURU! *loves you forever*
  9. UltimaWeapon5

    Omoshiroi ~

    Arigatou ~ Thanks everyone for the welcome :D i...don't know where to start posting xD But it's interesting to have a look yeah, i will quietly linger around and maybe jump randomly into conversation in some threads xD
  10. UltimaWeapon5

    Omoshiroi ~

    Yokatta Minnasan~ Douzo Yoroshiku :3 Watashi wa Ultima desu. *cough* Anyways, Hallo~ I have just signed up, courtesy of being referred here by Miss Lirael, my old forum buddy from back in the days~ Hope to (try) stay active here, as my life is cramped with things I should be doing but end up...
  11. UltimaWeapon5

    Not to anyone in particular ~ taim to do quiz :3 mosh

    Not to anyone in particular ~ taim to do quiz :3 mosh
  12. UltimaWeapon5

    mibu wa watashi no tomodachi desu ka? O-O sou desu yo..

    mibu wa watashi no tomodachi desu ka? O-O sou desu yo..
  13. UltimaWeapon5

    We never had Visitor Messages in FFH i don't think? Or maybe i just never used them xD i shall...

    We never had Visitor Messages in FFH i don't think? Or maybe i just never used them xD i shall do my best to see how the quiz thing works and enter \o
  14. UltimaWeapon5

    Talk about having friends in high places? :'D

    Talk about having friends in high places? :'D
  15. UltimaWeapon5

    VM? I dunno how this Visitor Message thingo works...I've just set up my profile look is all xD

    VM? I dunno how this Visitor Message thingo works...I've just set up my profile look is all xD
  16. UltimaWeapon5

    Why hallo thar ~ 8D

    Why hallo thar ~ 8D