I personally think it was Tidus celestial weapon that was the hardest to obtain, and Kimahris was quite frustrating. Getting to them cactuars before they disappear, and I real tough time with Lulus...dogding the lightning bolts.
In FFX-2 do you think you should have been able to use more characters. I though you should have been able to use more, sure the 3 you have are good and they could use different dresspheres, but they should have given you more characters to use in your party.
My votes are on quina..I would have to agree with Lassic
First off, what the hell is it?
Second, what the hell gender is it?
Third, what the hell is it doing in your party?
I though Quina was pretty gay
I thought the 3 weapons where hard. I lost to them so many times it aint even funny. I came real close to beating emerald, i got him down half way then I died. Him and ruby were a real pain.
I hated fighting Ozma. He owned me everytime I fought him. I finally beat him when my characters were over 80. I used Zidane, Vivi, Steiner, and Garnet.
I would much rather have the level up system. Cause the sphere grid was too much work, but think about it....the sphere grid is almost like the level up system. You still have to get exp before you can move your characters position in the sphere grid, plus you have to have the spheres in order...
OMG I wish this game would hurry up and come. Once it does im getting it cause it looks like an awesome game. I seen this preview of it and the main character was fighting a bunch of enemies inside this ship. She killed one of them and ran towards another one jumped on it and done a backflip...
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