What did you do when Aeris died?

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Laughed my ass off although it was sad and all i just couldnt help laugh at it *appluads sephiroth* nice work man nice work^_^
My ex boyfriend called me and i was in the middle of the bit where aerith died. I couldn't stop crying! Mikey was like "Lisa, are you ok babes?" i was like "yeah, just killed off my fav ff chari" and he laughed he cheeky git!!
Now thats my friend is Funny story:lol:...u didn't broke up with him coz of that, did u?:huh:
anyway for me I don't care she was useless and weak..Why I have to increase her lvl if she was gonna die...Go to hell Aerith:devil:
i didn't care that arieth died. she was a poetic character that got in my way during the game
I was gutted, not because I liked her but because I'd spent such a long time training. She was something like level 64 when she died. That's right i'm a very sad person with way too much time on my hands. :)
When Sephiroth killed Aeris I cried. That was a sad part in the game. Plus she was one of my strongest characters. It was such a tragic moment.
When i first reached that point, i thought Cloud was going to kill her. Then he stopped, and just long enough for sephi to come down and strike. I just screamed and started cursing fluently under my breath at how big a bastard and a jerk sephi was. Then he brought out Jenova, and i thought "WHAT?!?! THIS TOO!? SEPHIROTH IS THE BIGGEST GOD-DAMNED BASTARD IN THE WORLD! *insert total incoherent curses and screaming here*" so, yeah. I now have slight fantasies in which Cloud sees sephi coming and saves aeris's life. I wish that had happened... i never got hetr final limit.....
Can't say i wasn't a bit gutted, i did use her alot really but when she died, i just shrugged and moved on, but it was my friends game origionally and it was scratched so i had to watch that damn pearl fall down the steps, slowly, like shot by shot about 17 times, it took ages.
i never really used her at all cuz she was soo weak.so i wasnt heart broken but it really was heart breaking for the story line.
i never really used her at all cuz she was soo weak.so i wasnt heart broken but it really was heart breaking for the story line.

I AM SO SICK OF THAT EXCUSE!!! seriously - equip her with MATERIA and make her do what shes meant to - M-A-G-I-C and she can do more damage than Cloud (Yes REALLY!) sorry to use what you said as an example - there are many others - but i am so fucking SICK of everyone being like : ZOMG Aeris is Worthless Coz shes SOOOOOOO WEAK. or I laughed when Aeris Died coz she was soo WEAK - God learn to utilise the characters correctly and youll find that she goes from being "Soooo weak" to Sooooooo Strong.
i cried.. coz she was my favourite. i almost gave up on ff7 and i tried all those "rebirth aeris" cheats but nonooo...

i loved her weapon too.
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