What did you do when Aeris died?

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>.< i never said i saw her just as a healer, i felt she was a great character adn was important to the story, i just used her mainly as a healer is all
How about instead of looking at her stats, you look at her place in the storyline? I mean she and Cloud were really developing something for one another and BEFORE you say it's all because of the Zack in him NO IT ISN'T. Read the Novellas, play the game, watch Advent Children. Cloud was falling in love with Aerith and Aerith definantly loved him and not because of Zack either. It's cruel that their time was cut short when they really could have had something. Aerith had a huge impact on Cloud's life.

Why are people always saying "she's worthless because she had low HP"
Ever tried using her as a mage?? That girl could deal more powerful materia attacks than even Cloud could. She's the best materia user in the whole damn game.
That's what I've been thinking as I'm looking at this thread along with "wow this is from 6 months ago???" Anyways Aerith didn't die just to make Sephiroth seem evil, I'll neven know what happens much after that cause my disc 2 got screwed so I erased my file so I have to restart after I find another game... Anways think about the real Aerith/Aeris... I mean she was a huge part of the storyline. For God's sake she had the White Materia...
It was still sad, but it didn't have the emotional impact because her death had already been spoiled for me. I still got a little depressed when I was fighting Jenova Life and Aeris's Theme was playing, but I didn't actually cry.

She was a big part of the story, maybe even bigger because she died. I liked her personality. It was rough. Plus, I just really liked using her. Cloud/Aeris/Red XIII was my favorite party up to that point.
I cried, not for the fact she died, it was for the fact the I got her almost to level 80 with her best weapon/limit my first time playing FF7.
shrugged it off.

Kinda surprised about a main character dying that early, especially when it looked like she was going to be mega important later on, but meh.
If anybody cried i think thats sad because its a video game and i was disappointed because i didnt get to see her final limit break, but i just went on with the game i didn't use her that much
I stopped playing for about a week, she was my favorite character and I was actually really disappointed, but I got over it.
I pretty jumped up and celebrated it for about 3 minutes. Yeah her death was sad but I didn't really like her so...
I was disappointed that my Cloud died of the Jenova's last attack and didn't get the EXP points after I defeated the monster.. But yeah, I didn't really use Aeris much. I did like her Healing Wind though..
I really wasn't bothered lol. I didn't play it until 2001, just before X came out, and I knew she was gonna die so I just never saw the point in using her or giving her any decent items, it's a shame really.
I see a lot of spamming in this thread. If people do not have a legtimate answer as to what they did when Aerith/Aeris died, then please do not post in here or be warned for spam.
I know shes gonna die so I haven't equiped any materia to her. My friend on the other hand got pissed cause he had all his best materia on her.
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