What did you do when Aeris died?

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I didn't really have much of an reaction...I prefered to use Tifa rather than aeris..that "ping" sound it made when she attacked annoyed me...
All I can say is that I had this huge heartache that I was probably in the verge of tears? But no tears came out. It was just a really sad and emotional thing for me, especially the fact that after she died, the disc ended. And there was that black screen (or was it black?) telling you to change discs...I sat there for a moment and replayed what happened in my mind.

The scene of Cloud carrying Aeris' in the water was just...WOW! It's one of the most favorite and popular scene ever in a game. The whole thing was just so touching...and something else. I can't describe it in words.
I had tears in my eyes when I fought Jenova... Mostly coz've the music though...
i thought it made the game a HELL OF ALOT better. because you dont usually see an important character like that die. i thought it was just an awesome storyline and plot. they should have made Cloud more "SNAP MODE" on Sephiroth though..
Aeris, died so early, only on the first disc. It was a horrible, tragic event, that will cause people around the VG world to have nightmares. I wish Yuffie would have died! Anyways, post your opinion here. (And Sephiroth fanatics/Tifa lovers/Aeris haters, dont just write "I laughed 'cause she was worthless.")

i laughed 'cause she was worthless
i didnt like tifa either since she had low hp
you gotta think about who is more useful tifa and aeris both were weak and low hp
I gave Jenova an asskicking in the worse possible way. Back to back to back to back Comet. What else was I supposed to do? Cry? She was the closest thing to a dedicated healer in FF7 and I had plans for her but that got interrupted.
I didn't mind when she died...I never really used her >.> I maybe got her to level 45 before she died..
How about instead of looking at her stats, you look at her place in the storyline? I mean she and Cloud were really developing something for one another and BEFORE you say it's all because of the Zack in him NO IT ISN'T. Read the Novellas, play the game, watch Advent Children. Cloud was falling in love with Aerith and Aerith definantly loved him and not because of Zack either. It's cruel that their time was cut short when they really could have had something. Aerith had a huge impact on Cloud's life.

Why are people always saying "she's worthless because she had low HP"
Ever tried using her as a mage?? That girl could deal more powerful materia attacks than even Cloud could. She's the best materia user in the whole damn game.
What did I do when Aeris died....? Oh, thats right, I picked up my jaw from the floor. It was totally unexpected, for me anyways.

As for the Cloud, Aeris thing, I kinda think her death was neccesary for the story and to Cloud's character development. IMO Cloud is a man that is defined by misery. If he would've had a happy ending, he wouldn't have the following he has now. This is also one of the reasons Cloud won't be with Tifa. He feels he dosen't deserve happiness.
-_- Gosh, I suppose people see her their "healer" in the game and not something else. She made a huge impact on everyone, especially Cloud.
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