What did you do when Aeris died?

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First of all, to all of you people who shrugged off Aeris death as "no big deal," or "she was just pixels, so who cares," or especially, "get over it, she was just a video game character," you people do not belong playing RPG's. The soul purpose of an RPG is to get involved, to feel, to experience, to be involved. Sure, you probably shouldn't get so involved that you dress up as Sephiroth and start killing off people to try to become one with the lifestream or something to that extent, but you should have had some sort of game related experience.

I, myself, will admit that I played the game first when I was around 13 or 14 and openly shed tears. I'm not talking full out bawling or anything, but I did have a few tears. You know the ones where you're so angry you can't even talk. Yeah. I was filled with hate (only while playing mind you, I'm no psycho) for Sephiroth. The moment Sephiroth plunged his sword through my beloved Aeris was my first real motivation to hunt down Sephiroth and thus my first real reason to continue playing. I mean, if you don't feel like you are fighting for the same reason the character's are, why are you playing?

Now, I'm not saying that you all had to cry when Aeris died, or that you even had to be sad. I am, however, that if you pass off her death as meaningless you are destroying half of the storyline, and thus half of the reason of playing this particular game.

In my personal opinion, if a game doesn't make you feel, then why play?

And in case my opinion on this particular thread was somehow lost, I'll recap: Aeris death made me angry/sad to the point of tears. I still get sad when I think of Aeris.

On the other hand, Sephiroth is still one of my all time favorite FF characters; mostly because of his character development and background. I felt for Sephiroth, even if I didn't believe in his actions. Plus, he's an all-star badass!
^ Dude, chill. :P

When Aerith died...
I watched.
And then I continued playing.

But seriously, her death was somethin' I never expected at all to happen.
Sephiroth came from above, and pierced his sword through her. I was dumbstruck, but then I thought "Nah, she's one of the main characters, she wouldn't die."
But everything that happen afterwards, was pretty sad.
What a way to end Disc 1.
First of all, to all of you people who shrugged off Aeris death as "no big deal," or "she was just pixels, so who cares," or especially, "get over it, she was just a video game character," you people do not belong playing RPG's. The soul purpose of an RPG is to get involved, to feel, to experience, to be involved. Sure, you probably shouldn't get so involved that you dress up as Sephiroth and start killing off people to try to become one with the lifestream or something to that extent, but you should have had some sort of game related experience.

I, myself, will admit that I played the game first when I was around 13 or 14 and openly shed tears. I'm not talking full out bawling or anything, but I did have a few tears. You know the ones where you're so angry you can't even talk. Yeah. I was filled with hate (only while playing mind you, I'm no psycho) for Sephiroth. The moment Sephiroth plunged his sword through my beloved Aeris was my first real motivation to hunt down Sephiroth and thus my first real reason to continue playing. I mean, if you don't feel like you are fighting for the same reason the character's are, why are you playing?

Now, I'm not saying that you all had to cry when Aeris died, or that you even had to be sad. I am, however, that if you pass off her death as meaningless you are destroying half of the storyline, and thus half of the reason of playing this particular game.

In my personal opinion, if a game doesn't make you feel, then why play?

And in case my opinion on this particular thread was somehow lost, I'll recap: Aeris death made me angry/sad to the point of tears. I still get sad when I think of Aeris.

On the other hand, Sephiroth is still one of my all time favorite FF characters; mostly because of his character development and background. I felt for Sephiroth, even if I didn't believe in his actions. Plus, he's an all-star badass!

You are extremely correct my friend, you truly are. It is really upsetting when people pass her death off as nothing or don't look at her as what she was to the storyline and only look at her physical strength in the game. I also hate the fact that people pass her off as weak when she is easily the most powerful mage out of all of them. That girl could deal some wicked attacks with materia that were even better than Cloud's himself. Aerith as extremely important to the storyline and she still remains so, as said in Maiden Who Travels the Planet and Advent Children. So Amen to that post my friend and I can tell by your avatar, you're a CloudxAerith supporter :)
I knew she was going to die, so I was shocked, but I know guys who have cried. There was a rumor you could make her come back to life or make Tifa jump in front of the sword, so I kept playing it over again to see if Aeris would actually live.
I managed to avoid any spoilers when playing FFVII despite playing it four years after it came out, which I'm glad of. But when Aeris left my party and we had to go after her, I had some inkling then that she might end up being killed off. So it wasn't a complete surprise when it happened. I can't say I had a huge reaction to it, though it was a sad moment, and I did like Aeris' character.

And a cruel part of me thought 'I hope I get to keep all her materia'...

I would say that I have found other moments in the FF series which gave me more of a emotional reponse (the end of FFVIII, Vivi's letter in FFIX, as well as the whole business of the Black Mages 'stopping')
i kinda knew sumthin was goin to happen to her cuz on the back of the game case it showed cloud holding her in the water. I just wished i never wasted time leveling her up.
I felt gutted i got so high a level for her i had all her limits and i was so damed angry i threw the controller at the screen and walked off for about an hour not realizing i was using my controller with automatic press thingy and found all my characters dead and the game over screen on so i had to watch it again!!!
I...uh...expected it. Knew ahead of time so I really just kinda watched it, and moved on.
When Aeris died I said "Oh my god I throught she was one of the main characters" Then I got over it thinking if tifa would take Cloud.
For one: what kind of idiot just stands there against the "almighty"Sephiroth? Aeris thats who. when she died i was like: stupid @$$ H*! why didnt you move? retard!
after venting with my friends (we were all laughing and watching) we went on with the game
I wasn't surprised at all cause I already knew she'd die cause that's all anyone talks about when it comes to FFVII. I just carried on playing

So thanks to all the bastards who ruined it for me :D(no one on FFF though)
For one: what kind of idiot just stands there against the "almighty"Sephiroth? Aeris thats who. when she died i was like: stupid @$$ H*! why didnt you move? retard!
after venting with my friends (we were all laughing and watching) we went on with the game

Ahem. She didn't move because the makers of the game didn't make her move. That's how the story goes. Don't blame it on the character, sheesh. :dry:

Anyway, I watched this scene again on youtube for I have forgotten the details, and I must say that I felt really sad all over again! >.< T'was kinda weird because I expected it and all, but the impact it brings on the fans are still there.
For one: what kind of idiot just stands there against the "almighty"Sephiroth? Aeris thats who. when she died i was like: stupid @$$ H*! why didnt you move? retard!
after venting with my friends (we were all laughing and watching) we went on with the game

why arnt you kind :rolleyes: She didnt move because she couldnt see sephiroth coming and Holy had just been activated - plus with the Arrival of cloud she was shocked, but happy which is why she smiled at him, also if your calling Aeris a retard for not moving you could also call Cloud a retard for not attacking sephiroth.

And to stay on topic - this scene is iconic, no-one who plays this game will ever forget it, and its been voted #1 greatest shock in video game history.

That means the scene means something to a whole lot of people :)
For one: what kind of idiot just stands there against the "almighty"Sephiroth? Aeris thats who. when she died i was like: stupid @$$ H*! why didnt you move? retard!
after venting with my friends (we were all laughing and watching) we went on with the game

You heckled Aerith's death???? What kind of monster ARE you??????
Ahem. She didn't move because the makers of the game didn't make her move. That's how the story goes. Don't blame it on the character, sheesh. :dry:

Anyway, I watched this scene again on youtube for I have forgotten the details, and I must say that I felt really sad all over again! >.< T'was kinda weird because I expected it and all, but the impact it brings on the fans are still there.

I know we had to say something though, cause it was completely dumb how she died. They couldve made it into a chase or something, but nooooooooo!
Do you want me to cry and shed a tear over a game? yeah right. you couldnt pay me enought o do that!
Meh, I could care less if you shed a tear or not. I, for one, did not shed any tears...but I was still sad over it. And I actually thought the way she died was alright...I mean, don't get me wrong, it sucked that she died! But the way Square pieced everything together was just fine for me. A chase? Nah. It wouldn't be as dramatic. ^_^
I know we had to say something though, cause it was completely dumb how she died. They couldve made it into a chase or something, but nooooooooo!
Do you want me to cry and shed a tear over a game? yeah right. you couldnt pay me enought o do that!

You know what Unlimited Ultima, I'm getting a little tired of your "less than kind" ways on here. This is getting just a tad out of hand. As for Aerith/Aeris not moving, for one:she didn't know Sephiroth was coming, for two: she was praying for the Holy Spell and for three: she had just seen Cloud and was (as AG has stated) slightly surprised, happy and relieved almost to see that he had came for her. She didn't know what awaited her. She had no idea that Sephiroth was going to come zooming down out of the sky. All she cared about as activating Holy and saving the planet. She knew that was her destiny.
I was surprised by it, but I wasn't really sad about it. I dunno, just didn't have a huge attachment to Aeris I suppose :/
I wasnt surprised as I read about it in a magazine before I played the game! Curse you C&VG! But I was upset, the FMV was well done and the music just killed me. Love that piece of music, makes the scene everything.
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