What did you do when Aeris died?

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Aerith's Death = Me cutting my wrists. =D

What I really actually felt was the fact that I was a little rejoiced to see a main character such as that die. It gave me a feel that there was hope yet for the game. It just seemed oh so right.

To the poster above me, yes, that is true. You have to remember that the overall cut scene would be the same, just improved quality. Also, there would be no sound except metal hitting flesh and slicing right through. Nothing more. I doubt they would even show the blood for that.
We also have to remember that a lot of us were young and the time was 1996-1997 era. I was only 13 when I played the game for the first time and graphics were extremely extensive to us at that point in time. .

I was 11 when I first saw her die and still didn't cry.

Now imagine what that scene would entail if it were to be done in today's CG graphics? You would be able to hear the voices, the sounds and it would seem so real that I think I would probably actually cry seeing it done that, but who knows, that's off the subject.

That all depends on one main thing: If the voice actors actually spoke their lines with enough emotion and not a lot of drama/cheesyness to make me tear up. Because if Steve Burton and that George guy who does the voice for Sephiroth got all corny and ridiculous in that scene, I'd have the same reaction as I did when I first saw it, which was "Jesus Christ, just end this scene already!"

However I don't think people are exaggerating at all. Some people are more sensitive than others and take things to heart in that aspect *shrugs* I mean we're talking kids from like 7-15 years old playing the game at that time.

A bunch of pixels getting impaled didn't make me cry when I was 11, and I'm a very emotional/sensitive person who cries at very little things (such as song lyrics or certain music). I still think people are exhaggerating. There's no way someone could be THAT thin-skinned. Tearing up is understandable. Bawling your eyes out? Give me a break.

Nowadays, especially if you know what's going to happen, I don't see how to scene would make you break down, but I could see it choking you up a little if you have special connection to that game, especially Aerith fans

I have a special connection to the game and I don't get choked up. The only thing Aeris-related that made me choke up or tear up was the end of Advent Children when she and Zack say goodbye to Cloud, and that was (as I stated before) because of the music and the fact that they were young when they were killed. That was it.

In retrospect, I personally teared up, but that may have been because I had been staring at the screen for about eight hours up until that point. . . .
I was 11 when I first saw her die and still didn't cry. A bunch of pixels getting impaled didn't make me cry when I was 11, and I'm a very emotional/sensitive person who cries at very little things (such as song lyrics or certain music). I still think people are exhaggerating. There's no way someone could be THAT thin-skinned. Tearing up is understandable. Bawling your eyes out? Give me a break.

I understand that and so am I. I am a very emotional person as well, but like I said, some people are more so than others. There is a way for people to be that thin-skinned, unfortunately. They just take it to heart more than what other people do *shrugs* I wasn't trying to start a debate with you or fight with you, I was just making a rational explanation

Ruin it for me why don't you:mad:;)

Lmao you're only about 10 years behind there bud.

Before she died I was rockin' the Cloud Tifa Aeris party. After she died I had to pick between a fat guy with a gun lodged in his arm, some sort of flaming cat/wolf thing that talks, and a big stuffed animal with a cat on its head that has a megaphone. Pretty much has to make you say WTF?!?! All was resolved once Cid came around however.
Before she died i had a level 40 party of Cloud Aeris Barret - Cloud and barret had all their limit breaks execpt their final one and Aeris had all her limit breaks. So when she died and i had to have a level 20 tifa, i was not amused lol
I remember the first time I saw her die. It was almost like it was 7 years, 4 months, 2 weeks, 24 days, 14 hours, 32 minutes, 53 seconds and 78 milliseconds ago....


I'm serious. Why did the one who could cast INVINCIBILITY have to die. But NOOOOO, the character that can bring a potential GAME OVER has to live. Am I right, people?

Hey, better than Cloud dying, I'd say.
I'm 17, and i still cry when I see her die. (Hey! I'ma poet and I didn't even know it :D)

It's a really sad tragic part. I personally get really into the games, almost as if I were in a virtual reality, and I get really into the characters. When Aerith asked Cloud out, I blushed and giggled (GAWD! I'm a guy and I giggled! Well, more like chuickled but w/e...). When she died, I wept my ass of man, the pillows were stained (I play the game in my room while lying on my bed) with big huge crocodile tears.

the instant i saw that Masamune go through her, I just about screamed: "SEPHIROTH! YOU'RE GONNA &%$***$# DIE!" but I couldn't fight Sephy, only Jenova L-I-F-E. GAWD! it pissed me off so much! when i got to Bizarro and Seraph Sephiroth, I killed them with a vengeance. Every fibre of my being was placed into making him suffer. I even healed him a couple times, just to savour and prolong my victory.
I'm 17, and i still cry when I see her die. (Hey! I'ma poet and I didn't even know it :D)

It's a really sad tragic part. I personally get really into the games, almost as if I were in a virtual reality, and I get really into the characters. When Aerith asked Cloud out, I blushed and giggled (GAWD! I'm a guy and I giggled! Well, more like chuickled but w/e...). When she died, I wept my ass of man, the pillows were stained (I play the game in my room while lying on my bed) with big huge crocodile tears.

the instant i saw that Masamune go through her, I just about screamed: "SEPHIROTH! YOU'RE GONNA &%$***$# DIE!" but I couldn't fight Sephy, only Jenova L-I-F-E. GAWD! it pissed me off so much! when i got to Bizarro and Seraph Sephiroth, I killed them with a vengeance. Every fibre of my being was placed into making him suffer. I even healed him a couple times, just to savour and prolong my victory.
EXACTLY!!! Did you know how many times I mime KotR, just to see him shudder??? Too many to count.
I was like okay and then moved on. But I did find her to be extremely helpful. In every RPG game, there is the healer. When you take away the healer, it's tough to find a replacement, battles become harder and one less cute babe by your side. Aeris was my healer and that other chic. Cloud was pimping. Why have one girl when you could have both?

Later on though, I really wished I still had her. Man were my guys hurting. I thought to myself, I could sure use a "White Wind" right about now.
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I was like okay and then moved on. But I did find her to be extremely helpful. In every RPG game, there is the healer. When you take away the healer, it's tough to find a replacement, battles become harder and one less cute babe by your side. Aeris was my healer and that other chic. Cloud was pimping. Why have one girl when you could have both?

Later on though, I really wished I still had her. Man were my guys hurting. I thought to myself, I could sure use a "White Wind" right about now.
Yeah, we all feel like that all the time. Except, for me, it'll be, "Hmmm, a Great Gospel can really turn this around..."
I'm 17, and i still cry when I see her die. (Hey! I'ma poet and I didn't even know it :D)

It's a really sad tragic part. I personally get really into the games, almost as if I were in a virtual reality, and I get really into the characters. When Aerith asked Cloud out, I blushed and giggled (GAWD! I'm a guy and I giggled! Well, more like chuickled but w/e...). When she died, I wept my ass of man, the pillows were stained (I play the game in my room while lying on my bed) with big huge crocodile tears.

the instant i saw that Masamune go through her, I just about screamed: "SEPHIROTH! YOU'RE GONNA &%$***$# DIE!" but I couldn't fight Sephy, only Jenova L-I-F-E. GAWD! it pissed me off so much! when i got to Bizarro and Seraph Sephiroth, I killed them with a vengeance. Every fibre of my being was placed into making him suffer. I even healed him a couple times, just to savour and prolong my victory.

If all of that was true, then I pity you.

If not, exhaggeration at it's best.
Rose quit being so fucking mean to people because I swear everytime I see you and Tana post in an Aerith/Aeris thread it seems like you're doing nothing but being shitty to the Aerith/Aeris fans and breaking their spirits with your "facts" or ganging up on that. I think that's pretty damn sad.
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Okay, this is strange Rose. You complain about us being Aerith fans, and yet you're a Garnet character person. Don't get me wrong, I like Garnet too, but Aerith and Garnet are very alike. Garnet is just a wimpier (and more alive) version of Aerith. They are both pretty much the last of their kind, have tragic pasts, have a VERY similar personality.
Alright people, this is a thread to discuss what you did when Aeris died. This is hardly the place to shell out offensive or provocative posts. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it at all. If you want to continue bashing Aeris, you may do so in your anti-club, so long as it is contained there, and no where else. If I see it anywhere else, you may be warned.

On another note, you guys are also free to make an Anti-Tifa club if you wish.
(I endorse it completely.)
Lmao you're only about 10 years behind there bud.

Before she died I was rockin' the Cloud Tifa Aeris party. After she died I had to pick between a fat guy with a gun lodged in his arm, some sort of flaming cat/wolf thing that talks, and a big stuffed animal with a cat on its head that has a megaphone. Pretty much has to make you say WTF?!?! All was resolved once Cid came around however.

It was a joke :mellow:

That was the point of the ;) smiley.
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