What did you do when Aeris died?

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When Aeris died I was't very pleased... because I realise that she lived with all my equipment >____<

But that's right the scene was very sad...
A friend told me before I even started to play it. He got a Playstation before me and I used to play FFVII over at his house until I got mine. He got to that part while I wasn't there and told me later. I can't say I was too deeply saddened.
Sad. Cloud belongs with Aerith

Aww. I would've said he belongs with Tifa!


Nhavok, I would've said the same but...I spent most of my money on Cloud, which I'm glad for, because he owned Sephy on his own. Cloud is a bad ass. Why? Because he always defeats Sephiroth no matter what and because I say so!
I cried quietly to myself. It was terrible that I couldn't be alone to ... have that moment. It was in the lounge room, and my older sister was bagging me out, "it's just a game!" And I was like, "Shut up, you insensitive bitch!!"

Then I went and stood outside so I could cry alone, and looked up at the stars and told Sephiroth I would get him...

... and I did... first go, of which I'm quite proud. And glad, cos I'd hate to have to sit thru that battle again... every time he casted freakin' ... that supernova thing or whatever it is that shows the whole universe everytime he uses it...

I have to say, the way they make her theme play thru that battle with Jenova... that's a nice touch. Really plays on the emotions... that whole scene does...
I didn't go as far as cry, but I was a bit sad. I mean Cloud was her bodyguard and to see her die like that especially after they had that date at the gold saucer. It was just sad.
umm... i dont know why i feel disappointed that time..after seeing her char die in the story,, though i'm not a fond aries fan myself,, maybe i'm just not used to see my playing chars dies in the storyline itself...
don't really care about her honestly. i didn't really use her much. i think i used her when she was really that useful in the game. i think she was the most the useless characters in the game because like what's happened she's just going to die.
I exclaimed "shit".

As I could not use her healing powers anymore.

Then I gave Tifa a heal materia and I was fine.

Honestly I cried, even after I watched my father cry when he played and she died. I knew it was coming, but I still cried my eyes out.
Well I just said:"Whatever..it was meant to happen...so..she died to save the world,huh? Ohh well.."
And then I resumed my gaming but I couldn't because at the next game when I was going to use FFVII again the game didn't work and I couldn't play anymore.
Is said " go to hell B***h u r worth less"
and who's the crazy who will put him self under a killer hand , she's stupid-_-
Wow theres a load of Aeris-bashing here :( When she died i cried, i knew it was coming and i mentally tried to prepare myself for it, didnt work. so i fought Jenova with tears in my eyes then after i saved the game, turned it off and didnt play on it for 2 months. And after that it just wasnt the same, so after i completed it once properly i use my gameshark to bring her back to my party - then all is good again :) even though each time i watch that scene in the game i still cry.
I was kinda aware that she was going to die, but I was still shocked when it happened. I know I was slightly annoyed because Aeris was one of my main party members, being the healer. I replaced her with Yuffie, though.
Knew beforehand it was going to happen so didn't affect me that much, it was a bit of a pain though as she was my dedicated healer at the time so had to reorganize my team to fit in with this minor annoyance.
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