What did you do when Aeris died?

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Yeah, I was pretty sad when Aeris died. Pretty emotional moment, it was a bit strange that there was no blood when she got stabbed though o_O
But yeah, once the battle started with Jenova afterwards, I wanted to take out my anger on her for what happened to Aeris....poor Cloud.
I was really surprised. I hadn't seen it coming, although I suppose I should have. But how could they not have seen him, I mean, it was out in the open!
i sarcastically cried when she died, because i'd already known about it from the days when i didn't think i'd ever get VII.
I thanked god coz she was useless:)
is tenshi Aerith still here coz if she saw me writeing these word she will kick my ass!
Aerith used to be one of my favorite female characters, so of course I cried when I found out. And I found out early thanks to my younger brother and cousin, who have been "cheating" and watching all the AMVs on the PC version. lol

Of course I won't deny she was physically weak, but people always consider her useless. Not true if you use her correctly. The reason why she seemed useless is because you can basically use all the materia she used with other characters. But she never died during bosses when I used her (and I DIDN'T max out her level!) and she was a wonderful healer when I needed the help. A very good supporting teammate.

*shrugs* It all depends on how willing you are to give characters a try.
The first thing I said when she died was I can't use "healing wind" then I cryed in my room.
oh man come on guys aries rocks XD i like her anyways why so many of you guys hate her?? juz curious
I didn't do anything I was in a rush through the game{got a loan of it} and I didn't use her anyway so just went on with the game {but I was happy that I was on the 2nd disc }
When Aeris died I felt sorry for cloud more than anything. Never getting to kiss the one he loved goodbye before her death. It was so romantic and yet so sad. *Sniff*
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