What did you do when Aeris died?

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Again Vincent who said I wasn't calm you talking about me is what gets me mad, and first of we all know your lieing because you HAD to play her from time to time in the game so why don't you calm down ok? ^^

Also TSG I've been kinda busy but sure why not read you mail, Also I-chan I understand that but that's not the point of this thread, the point of it was to tell what you did when Aerith died not how others can make up for her limit breakers if that was the case then I'd have no problem with it
Tenshi Aerith said:
Also I-chan I understand that but that's not the point of this thread, the point of it was to tell what you did when Aerith died not how others can make up for her limit breakers if that was the case then I'd have no problem with it

I know. I was simply stating it because things were getting too heated over here and rational explanations tend to help calm things down. ;D That said, I totally agree with Capt. Maddox. :lol:
.......has this become 9 pages of people fighting over if that woman was good or not? or more importantly the limit breaks? just wondering if you do get the womans last break how many times do you have to use it before she dies? also you use her really only once(if you dont use her after midgar)that it then she is useless to me cause i never used her again.
I didnt use her much. After Midgar never. I had only 1st limit break on her. Anyway, when she died, I was surprised... but that music composition was going me to cry.... and when her Materia fwll to water.... then when I fought with Jenova, I was angry to Sephiroth (like Ifrit when you summon him). But then I continued playing, but I saved my position on another block, because I knew, I will want to see cut- scene again.
That is true, isn't it? What's happening is horrible, but the FMV is so beautiful (for it's time, anyhow)...and the delicate tune of her theme in the background as the materia bounces...aieee...heartwrenching. Almost made me wanna buy the limited edition musicbox.

almost. ;D
When she died I couldn't beleive it at frist. She was the one I always use in Battle. After it I started a brand new team so that everytime that I strated again I knew who to pick.
DarkBlade said:
dont just write "I laughed

Sephiroth, Darkblade is an admin and said don't write that, please be more considerite of what was said and also please, Andrew don't reply back to what he says thats just basicly spam....Although I may not be an admin, reading through your posts was kinda....whats the word......not worth it in a way :hug:
what did i do....

since Im Aeris' number 1 fan lol:lol: i was not happy she was really nice but seriously i wondered where the game could go from here....finally a main character in a rpg really died and i was really surprised....anyway for those of you who said you just went on with the game and beat jenovah and such....you didnt beat jenovah you beat his puppet fools :D
I played the game only a year and a half ago, and of course I knew that Aerith was going to die. What respectable FF player didn't by that time? Anyways, so she dies. I wanted to cry right there, but I held it in. I solemnly beat Jenova, saved the game, went upstairs to my room, and cried myself to sleep. I was devestated (for a number of reasons, one of which included having just lost the best FF magic caster to ever exist).
well to tell you the truth I was above all things angrybecause she died I was angry at Jenova and Sephiroth and I proceeded to seriously kick Jenova`s ass and then I saw her being put into the water I just thought she`s gone....
honestly, i was crushed and cried my eyes out every time I replayed that scene (that time i did so for the background music). What would you expect from someone whom is very sensitive and is emotional to such moments.
aeris#1fan said:
since Im Aeris' number 1 fan lol:lol: i was not happy she was really nice but seriously i wondered where the game could go from here....finally a main character in a rpg really died and i was really surprised....anyway for those of you who said you just went on with the game and beat jenovah and such....you didnt beat jenovah you beat his puppet fools :D

Be a dear and post accurate and correct information about Sephiroth and Jenova, mmkay? ;) Jenova did not create "puppets", Sephiroth did. You do beat Jenova, multiple times. You do beat Sephiroth, and two of his mind-projections, too.

Sorry, I hate information about Sephiroth that is clearly incorrect.
cried myself.........

Aralith said:
I played the game only a year and a half ago, and of course I knew that Aerith was going to die. What respectable FF player didn't by that time? Anyways, so she dies. I wanted to cry right there, but I held it in. I solemnly beat Jenova, saved the game, went upstairs to my room, and cried myself to sleep. I was devestated (for a number of reasons, one of which included having just lost the best FF magic caster to ever exist).
thats okay to cry but who here went to their daddy and mommy and cried about it :P Do you know what i did? i was angry at first so i took out all my anger on that poor creature that is at that part of the game......jenovas spirit or whatever you call it......i just used cure on it and kept hitting it........made it suffer:lol: made me feel better anyway......then i felt bad for Cloud cuz he had to let her rest in peace and felt bad when she was floating down to the bottom of the lake........its good to see a player who really got into the game as deep as i did......id mention another 2 ffx games that made me feel this way but this isnt the posting area to do so.......i hope they keep making these heartfelt games.........you are right......it seemed no one could handle magic like Aeris.....at least the magic to make friends as she was so easy going......she is just like me...so honest and down to earth....:)

The Sephiroth Gene said:
Be a dear and post accurate and correct information about Sephiroth and Jenova, mmkay? ;) Jenova did not create "puppets", Sephiroth did. You do beat Jenova, multiple times. You do beat Sephiroth, and two of his mind-projections, too.

Sorry, I hate information about Sephiroth that is clearly incorrect.
still this is sephiroths puppet i agree but you can only beat the true jenova once as you can only beat the true sephiroth once lol:P
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