What did you do when Aeris died?

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Acturally I can use it why? because most of you are saying she has not a role in the game practicly, when that clearly explains how she was working behind the scene's to help Cloud and the gang against Sephiroth, meaning that even though she's dead her role continued. Also when it comes to flaming Tifa...I'll be honest with you I have not the problem with her but when fans start saying that Tifa is better then Aerith because she is weak and a bitch, and Clingy (which Tifa is) thats when I feel its only far to insult your character right back is it not? I mean come on this thread was to tell what you felt and you guys turned it into a lets flame Aerith party, so I feel the right that because you guys have an Obession more then me towards the subject I have every right to flame the hell out of her ne? ;)
No, your argument does not make logical sense. If I gave my opinion about Aeris and said she was ugly, for example, that does not make a reason for you to call Tifa lazy. You should make your opinion heard, not trying to be assertive and make yourself right about everything.

I'm growing tired of this argument: Let it go and get over it. After all, it is only pixels. Don't you realise how you've reacted over pixels?
Acturally mine make perfect sence not just to me but to others who I've acturally debated with. You saying she's ugly gives me the right to say my honest opinion towards some of the flaws I see in Tifa's character just like you clam all of Aerith's. Also Your now the one getting hyped up on pixels not me by keeping the debate open
I'm not debating anymore, I'm doing what I can to get you to shut the feck up. Yes, you are entitled to you opinion, but say it BEFORE someone slags off Aeris, it doesn't look good on you when you then insult Tifa for the main fact that "they did it first".... that's so childish.
LOL you wanna stop debating so bad but you keep trying to point my flaws out when your already showing your flaws off I find that childish ;)
LOL everyone has a flaw no matter what they are doing they could be a master at somthing and have a flaw some where. Also weren't you all off topic anyways? this is about what you did its one of those one post anwsers. Not lets flame the hell out of Aerith ne?
I've not been ... I am merely pointing out what you are doing and I did politely ask you to stop, a long time ago ... wasn't it just yesterday? Meh ...

Whatever, let's just give this a rest...
Well to tell ya the truth I didn`t care for both tifa and Aeris. I mean well I had no interest in tifa because of her brests meh what does they matter? she just loved to bitch but I mean even tho I laughed when aeris died I feel that she actually had a big role in the game besides tifa who was there mainly fill the "love to bitch girl" role.
i'm getting-_- out of here coz man that was scary:huh: and TSG u still young to die:huh: so u should run away before she broke ur bones:argh:
Like I don't Sephiroth? ;) LOL seriously though we need to stop flaming and spamming all its doing is raising our post count which isn't fair to everyone eles
Aeris, in my honest opinion, should have made at least the second disc. But no! She had to be killed at the end of the first one. This upset me to have such a popular character in the game to be killed off. I thought, 'Damn, she's gone! I don't want her to go! Who will use their Limit Break to heal us all now?!'. Yeah, so it upset me quite a bit.

But this was one of the biggest events in all of the Final Fantasy games. Not only did Aeris's death affected the game, but it also affected things like in Advent Children. It affected that movie deeply.
I threw a world class pissy fit then killed my tv then got grounded for an hour and bought another tv then threw another world class pissy fit because they killed off the best character ever.
I got Pissed and tried to find a way to bring her back she was one of my Fave chars ill admit it the first time i saw it happen i was like Wtf...and i cried! lol yea anyways....
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