What did you do when Aeris died?

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it didnt matter to me because i never used her much and i didnt like her very much. Tifa is my fav ff female
....i guess, first i cried '_' then after watchin people put that part in the music videos....i kinda started laughing about it...:huh:
Heartless_Angel said:
it didnt matter to me because i never used her much and i didnt like her very much. Tifa is my fav ff female

tell that to Tenshi Aerith and she will cut ur head:huh:
and guy's it wasn't that bad -_-
The first time, I didnt think much to it as I didnt take the story that seriously as I was only about nine years old but the second time I played it with A LOT more FFVII experience, I felt really sad and was at the urge of crying but I fought myself not to, she was a really useful character with a good personallity. She never did anything wrong.
Now, with a hint of maturity, we can look at this objectively. Don't you all think we kind of over-react when we feel upset? After all, it's just a game, far from reality. Yes, it can be engrossing, but we all get too attatched when we start to cry ......

Before anyone says it ... I WAS 9!
Truthfully? I raged at my tv screen--my white mage tank was gone! D: Of course, I was really sad for the party, and even moreso for Cloud--but OMG TANK HAXXOR3D! X_X
Darkblade said:
I wish Yuffie would have died!

Sir, you have just murdered me. D: :lol:

To tell you the truth, I didn't cry or anything when Aerith had died. I already knew it was going to happen. I was saddened watching Cloud place her into the water, but I really didn't gather up any tearful emotions. I miss her loads while getting later into the game, though. =\
Yep I was laughing at first then I looked at Jenova and proceeded to beat the crap out of it and then I realised Aeris is gone forever...whatever I laughed again
Ichigo said:
Yep I was laughing at first then I looked at Jenova and proceeded to beat the crap out of it and then I realised Aeris is gone forever...whatever I laughed again
great answer -_-
and who the hell care about Aerith she's dead now^_^
The Sephiroth Gene said:
That's similar to my point - get over it, it's a decorated bunch of pixels :P
Hey! that's wat I said in SI TSG, u stole it
mmm...honestly, i felt sad. I didnt like her much, but she is one of the reasons why FFVII was so great. I missed her sometimes, i needed my white mage, i trained all my characters, and it took a very long while! But still, i was sad at first, then i laughed, then i thought "Oh man, i did all that for her to die!?" >_<
LOL First of I can say the same for you little Tifa infatuation boys ^.~ Considering her breasts are pixels to, also Aerith has more of a role that would make her a sad thing to lose, and also Vincent you can't say you never played her considering you where forced to several times :lol: So don't sit there and lie and say you've never had Aerith in your party. And also you guys obviously didn't read MoTp it tells of what Aerith did behind the scenes making her do more then Cloud and the party so sorry even when she's dead guys/boys/men she did ten times hell more then Tifa, also if your going to sit there and Flame Aerith in this topic (*cough*Sephiroth,Vincent,DarkSquall, etc.*cough*) Then don't bother fucking typing why? because your just typing to get your post count up. :lol:
Who the hell care TA Tifa has the coolest breasts-_-
and FUCK to th MoTp i believe what i plaied-_-
and what the hell MoTp is?-_-
Hey Squall shove the picture up your ass know why? because I have hotter picks then that LOL ^^ Also MoTp is offically from Square its the offical Aerith Novel my dear boy. Also Tifa is considered to be a super deformed female! LOL *ROFLAMO* And also if you noticed in AC that Tifa has normal breasts now and Aerith got the large ones LOL ^^ Also Hunny I've played the game more then you G-U-A-R-E-N-T-T-E-M-E-N-T. So acturally be carefull what you say and also can't help but say this

Who the hell cares Dark Squall Aerith has the coolest breasts-_-
and FUCK to Your little info from your brother I believe what I played-_-
and what the hell is up your ass today?

LOL ^^
TA, you clearly have an obssession and a bad one at that. MoTP is not contemporary and therefore cannot be accurately used in a case such as this. Breasts have nothing to do with Tifa being better than Aeris, it's a matter of opinion, which relies on the events in the game.

Also, may I point out your hypocrisy? You said not to flame Aeris, but what do you constantly do to Tifa when desperately trying to win an argument? You insult her.

They're just trying to get their post count up!

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