What did you do when Aeris died?

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When Aries died i was freaked out because she was one of my best characters. I was also sad. It drove me to kill Sephiroth even faster. Also I didn't really have any other good characters (other than Cloud and Vincent). So it took me forever to train another person to get strong enought to fight the monsters.
This in my mind is the best part of ff7. FF7 was the first ff i played in fact its my first RPG. anyhow I used aeris all the way though to her death. So that made her death alot more intence.

I like to finish this with saying If u think Aeris is A weak character ur not very good at the game.
She is the best at magic and sprite. Yes her hp and attack are weaker then average. But not bye too much. How ever her limit breaks r amazing ( reason she dies)

She would be bye far the most effective Character aganst the ultimate weapons. is she was alive. And by then She would have 9999 hp and physical damage of 9999 like everyone else.
If I haven't already answered this I will answer it now - I carried on playing the game.
I felt violated o.o. Spent all that time levelling her up and getting used to her attacks etc.. and then she has to go and get herself killed!
It was sad though <.< ... I didn't cry or anything, but my mood certainly darkened ^.~.
johnnyboyjr. said:
This in my mind is the best part of ff7. FF7 was the first ff i played in fact its my first RPG. anyhow I used aeris all the way though to her death. So that made her death alot more intence.

I like to finish this with saying If u think Aeris is A weak character ur not very good at the game.
She is the best at magic and sprite. Yes her hp and attack are weaker then average. But not bye too much. How ever her limit breaks r amazing ( reason she dies)

She would be bye far the most effective Character aganst the ultimate weapons. is she was alive. And by then She would have 9999 hp and physical damage of 9999 like everyone else.

Ok, first point: Grammer and spelling were created for a purpose. :P I jest.

Saying Aeris is a "weak character" does not have anything to do with skill in playing the game, it is a matter of opinion. She may be the best at magic, but she has no physcial stength compared to the others.

She doesn't die because of her limit breaks, she dies because Sephiroth murdered her in order to accomplish the summoning of Meteor. Her limit breaks cause no physical damage, either. To me, offense is the best defense. You can do the same with magic like Esuna, Life and Cure magic as you can with Aeris limit breaks. These would not be effective against the Weapons, for the simple reason that your party can use the same abilities and cause much greater physical harm to the opponent.

These are more reasons why I no longer care for Aeris.
The Sephiroth Gene said:
These would not be effective against the Weapons, for the simple reason that your party can use the same abilities and cause much greater physical harm to the opponent.

Well, there was a limit break that made you invincible. You recived 0 damage. :P
To me, that seemed too much like cheating. The closest thing I use is a Hero Drink, and that's only in the Battle Arena. But then, that's me. As they say: To each his own.
Another problem was when you try for hours for her to appear in a forest and she never came up, you think "stuff her" and next thing you know, she appears!

Anyway, in conclusion: No need for Aeris as you can use any and all of her Limit Breaks individually by another party member or by use of Materia.
What did I do when she dies?

Well for one thing I did not even notice I was too busy staring at Lord Sephiroth to care about her. I only noticed after the great one had left.
I was pissed off as she is the best mage in the game and I like her. However Lord Sephiroth wanted her dead so it is only normal and right that she died.
OK first off Sephiroth Gene I'm gonna have to ask you to please stop there's no reason for you to be posting! All your doing is raising you post count which is clearly unfair. GO.POST.ELES.WHERE. At this point your not talking about what you did when she died your talking about what other characters had that rivaled Aerith's limit breaker, and your also talking about how her final limit breaker was basicly cheating, and if I named all of the things you where talking about then I'd probly make this longer then it needs to be but anyways go post eles where if your just going to spam let the people who are acturally posting about the topic post.

Back on topic: Larxene you threw a fit? Wow that not what most people I've talked to did. When you broke your T.V Did you have to watch it again?
I *actually* haven't gotten my mitts on a copy of the game yet...But I have never cried about anything in games/movies, you know, but I swear, first I'm going to be depressed, and then get really mad and throw my controller at the screen.

But then I'll be happy, because I love tragic romances. Square Enix apparently loves them too.

Oooh...The Sephiroth Gene, you misspelled grammar! xD *was skimming the topic* I find it funny when people get on people for improper grammar when they misspell grammar. Ahem. Sorry. xD
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Grammar has nothing to do with spelling, it involves making sense of a sentence and its structure. There is a clear difference between grammar and spelling, this was merely a simple spelling mistake.

TA, please read your PM's, I've sent you one regarding this entire topic but you haven't replied yet.

T_A, technically, TSG has a point. Except that this holds true for all party members, save for Cloud since he's the main character. Tifa's slot machine limit's can be replaced by Cait Sith's (speaking from personal experience here, oddly enough), I think Vincent isn't needed if you level up Barett enough, and so on and vice versa. It's not a huge deal. Besides, there's more to Aerith than just her abilities (which, btw, can be freaking awesome if taken time to develop). We know she's awesome, but not everyone has to think so, and you shouldn't take it so personally. I know for a fact that Aerith can take down a WEAPON all by herself, but most people don't have the patience to build her up to do that. ;D It's cool.

And to TSG, to be fair, Aerith's abilities can be replaced by the others--but she was the best at what she did. ;)

Hope that makes sense.
Why can't TA calm down ever? Some People don't like Aeris. People have freedom of speech. don't go Ballistic. But to go back on topic, I never used Aeris so I didn't really care. I never even switched Aeris into my party throughout the game. I mainly used either Cloud, Barret, Red; Cloud, Red Vincent; or Cloud Red Cait Sith. Aeris was never used.
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