What did you do when Aeris died?

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You don't defeat the true Jenova, nor the true Sephiroth, technically. You cannot defeat either until the last remaining J-Cell is gone.

You said you don't defeat Sephiroth or Jenova, just their puppets. Well, you do, they just come back.
The Sephiroth Gene said:
Grammar has nothing to do with spelling, it involves making sense of a sentence and its structure. There is a clear difference between grammar and spelling, this was merely a simple spelling mistake.
I know that. xD I didn't say that grammar and spelling were the same. All I said was that I found it funny that you misspelled grammar when you were telling someone they had improper grammar. Oh well. Subject dismissed. ^_^

I still can't get the game. My mom said that she's not buying anything for me for a while. And she's not giving me my allowance. XP So, I suppose I shall have to borrow it from that girl sitting in front of me in practice for the Church's temple celebration...xD I hope she'll let me. Then I can mourn over Aerith's death whilst making my whole family watch the FMV. My mom said Aerith is her favorite character, too. She said that Tifa kind of annoyed her. *laughs* I really can't wait until I get this game. :P
I will admit that it is just a game but if you really think about it it is kinda sad that she had died. I cried a little bit and afterwards took my revenge on Jenova, I was still sad cuz i had worked so hard to get her final limit and it wound up being useless. But oh well you know. She moved on to the life stream like she should have like all of them eventually will and i was ok with that so i guess shortly afterwartds I didn't really mind much.
When she died, I have CRYYYYYYYYYYYYYED :cry2:, and suddenly I told myself : Why do you cry ? It's Aerith and not Tifa who died. That's all. lol
Alright I have had enough of this.

This has gone way off topic and plenty of people are now either randomly spamming or discussing the great Lord Sephiroth.

Either get back on topic and stop spamming or I will close this topic.

When I saw the screenshot on the back of the box I knew things couldn't end well for that girl, so I wasn't really surprised. The first thing that came to mind was: "what, no blood?"
Lutearina said:
I know that. xD I didn't say that grammar and spelling were the same. All I said was that I found it funny that you misspelled grammar when you were telling someone they had improper grammar. Oh well. Subject dismissed. ^_^

I still can't get the game. My mom said that she's not buying anything for me for a while. And she's not giving me my allowance. XP So, I suppose I shall have to borrow it from that girl sitting in front of me in practice for the Church's temple celebration...xD I hope she'll let me. Then I can mourn over Aerith's death whilst making my whole family watch the FMV. My mom said Aerith is her favorite character, too. She said that Tifa kind of annoyed her. *laughs* I really can't wait until I get this game. :P

Why did you think we needed to know all this?

Anyway, I can see why people would be upset, but personally I see no reason to over-react and cry, or throw tantrums.
Before I played the game, I already knew Aeris was supposed to die. But when I found out she died at the end of the first disc, I thought,"What? All that hard training for nothing!?"

And the second time I played it through I cried... for Cloud.
The first thing I thought to myself was "Good thing I never spent much money on her". I just never really had a connection with Aeris, she was such a dry character to me.
I was extremely pissed off when Aerith died the first time I played FFVII as I was tricked into believing that she had to be at an extremely high level( i trained her to around level 80) in order to finish the temple of the Ancients.
Then when I followed her to the forgotten capital and sephiroth killed her I was nearly in tears over all the time I wasted training her, and I was quite pissed off that she had to die anyway, but because its a big part of te story I got over it:P
I watched the scene and said 'wow, that was amazing!' And then I beat Jenova and continued on. At times I almost forgot Aeris existed...
I'm not sure what my first reactions were when Aerith died, it was so long ago when I first played FFVII. I did not laugh, I did not cry but it was a sad moment that's for sure. I know in the end it's just a game but it would not be a very good one if you would not at least feel for the characters that you're playing with ...
I was sad and relieved haha i was wanting too get off the 1st disc and i knew you got onto disc two after aeris died so woo XD and i was sad because aeris is so cool:cry2: sephy is so mean:mad: haha
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