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    The most hated Fiends/Bosses

    evrae was the first boss which killed my entire party and it was my first Game-over screen! lol...I had to go read some tips to defeat him.
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    I beat FFX, I am disappointed (spoilers inside)

    Like, I enjoyed the gameplay overall. I liked the graphics, and the new battle system where I can switch any player I want and everyone can level up equally..that was just great! I don't think the cgi movies had as much action as I would have wanted. Usually what I recall from FF games are the...
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    I beat FFX, I am disappointed (spoilers inside)

    So I finally defated FFX. I knew I could do it even though my players aren't maxed out. was pretty easy. I've put over 100 hours into the game. I have only 3 celestial weapons (Tidus, Yuna, Rikku). I have Auron's, but I didn't get his Mars Sigil yet. Anyways...about the ending...
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    Wakka's do I get it?

    Hey..I still have attack reels as my overdrive because I never played any Blitzball games. So I read that I need to play it to get the other reels. My questions is what kind of games do I need to play/win? Will Exhibition work or do I need to do the Tournament?
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    I hate the chocobo racing game! arg (trying to get sun sigil)

    Well for any future rookie who tries, I'll copy and paste what I thought was a great stat. It should help for anyone who does a search on "How to get Caladbolg" or "How to get 0.0.0 on Catcher Chocobo" questions. by Morelock
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    I hate the chocobo racing game! arg (trying to get sun sigil)

    I DID IT!!!! I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT. I spent like 1.5 hours today and got it. I give this thread my credit: The tip posted there from a faq really helped give a good strat. I had trouble finding the actual Calabrog and I...
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    I hate the chocobo racing game! arg (trying to get sun sigil)

    I doubt you can make the celestial weapons...but that would have been pretty cool if you could. I will try...keep you guys posted.
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    Getting Anima: Which temple am I missing?

    I think its the Djose temple....I am gonna give that a shot.
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    I hate the chocobo racing game! arg (trying to get sun sigil)

    The chocobo racing game where I have to get balloons and avoid its so damn hard and frustrating. My chocobo does not run straight the way I try. You guys got any tips? I don't think the analog stick is very useful in this I avoid using it. Man I hate this mini-game...arg.
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    Getting Anima: Which temple am I missing?

    At the Remium Temple, I can activate 5 of the 6 statues. I am trying to figure out which statue temple I forgot to activate. Its the middle statue on the right side when you enter.
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    I need level 3 spheres!

    Yeah I believe that monster is the Demonolith and you got to bribe with 900k gil! I got 345k and no way I am playing around to get 900k unless there is some mad shorcut to get money fast. I don't have yojimbo I need to bribe him too. Where is this Demonolith creature?
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    I need level 3 spheres!

    Okay...I lost to the third form of lady yunlesca. I figured a decent trick by casting reflect on my zombie works pretty well. Well Auron and Rikku are stuck leveling up. I have like 20 levels for each queued up ready to use but I need some level 3 spheres. I missed it from...
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    Whats up everyone! Been a fan of FF7 and been hooked since then except for FF9. I never had a playstation, so my ff7 and ff8 were both PC versions. I now have a ps2 so now I got ffx and been playing it like there is no tomorrow. Look forward to interacting with ya'll.