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  1. Istari


    pretty much
  2. Istari

    To anyone who thinks there should be a sequal to 8, game or movie

    i believe that if you realy are a fan of this game you appreciate the mystery of the story line and any sequal or offspring of the game would ruin its feel. its great just the way it is and any 'remake', 'sequal' or even movie could jepordise would be changed drasticaly. thats how i...
  3. Istari

    SPOILERS Was 9 ruined by the ending?

    i admit, first time around i thought that the whole situation of the end.....transporting to another world and all that was a bit out there compared to the rest of the game, but on a secound effortt the whole thing grew on me more and i came to love the game completly. i got to appreate why it...
  4. Istari


    Hi all from FF forums.....i was just looking aroiund for a cool new forum to sign up to and saw how well this one was doing....hope i can amuse you guys here*smiles* ive been a memeber of many forums and i have moderated a few too in my time :P you all seem cool....hope my time her can be fun xD....