To anyone who thinks there should be a sequal to 8, game or movie

Do you think that Square should make a FFVII sequal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 26 33.8%
  • I couldn't care less

    Votes: 4 5.2%

  • Total voters
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Even though FF8 is one of my all-time favorites, I’m definitely against a movie being made for it. I think I would rather see the time, money and effort put into a remake of the game for the PS3. (Sorry, but after thinking it over, I would rather just immerse myself in the story through game play and control of the characters then watch a movie on it) IMO, all SE would have to do, is to add more side quests, open up a few more locations in the world for extended play, add voice acting (make sure the voice acting is as well done as it is in FFXII) and most of all update the games battle system with the active dimension battle system used in FFXII.

Now, if only wishes could come true. Lol…
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Even though FF8 is one of my all-time favorites, I’m definitely against a movie being made for it. I think I would rather see the time, money and effort put into a remake of the game for the PS3. (Sorry, but after thinking it over, I would rather just immerse myself in the story through game play and control of the characters then watch a movie on it) IMO, all SE would have to do, is to add more side quests, open up a few more locations in the world for extended play, add voice acting (make sure the voice acting is as well done as it is in FFXII) and most of all update the games battle system with the active dimension battle system used in FFXII.

Now, if only wishes could come true. Lol…
Do u know why FFVII is cool now? coz SE made a movie for it<_<
I hate FFVII no if I saw the 1 who made it in the street I'll crush his neck:angry:
and to be honest I didn't expect SE Would made a movie for FFVII and no1 did , so imagine what will happen if SE made a movie for FFVIII?!;)...just think about it..thats what I have to say^_^
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It would be very cool to see a FFVIII movie and i dont see why they cant do it. Voice overs wouldnt be to difficult to find either.
WOW I shut all of them and thats mean 1 thing...I'am RIGHT!!!!
So that mean FFVIII can be a cool movie cooler than FFVII:AC..WOOOW
I would like to see a FFVIII movie, yes. I think it'd be interesting. I know the FFVIII storyline is mainly based on a love story, but well...since I'm a romantic at heart, I'd definitely enjoy seeing a movie about Squall and Rinoa...and company. =)
No. It should not happen.

See, whats happened is, the creators of FF made a game that you love...and after still want to see these characters in action.

I havent heard of anyone wanting a sequal for 9.... just need to make sure that the creators...when they make a game...they make it as memorable as the one that you want a sequal of. The only reason you want the sequal is because they did their jobs right...but if they would just do their jobs right would have new characters to grow attached too. The dropped the ball on ff12...i know...but lets have hopes for 13..even though its not looking like a good drama. i have high hopes for 14.
but... but... but... sigh.. only critics enjoy saying no about a sequel,,, but for a simple dreamer like me,, no matter how it goes,, a dream come true is totally different from just a dream..
i believe that if you realy are a fan of this game you appreciate the mystery of the story line and any sequal or offspring of the game would ruin its feel. its great just the way it is and any 'remake', 'sequal' or even movie could jepordise would be changed drasticaly. thats how i persoanlly felt about it anyways...:)
I would watch it, but don't think it would be that great of a movie. I have no idea what it would continue on as most of the main villains are gone or transformed into good characters now. I just don't see a point in it since it's demand is not as high as some others right now.
I would watch it. Id proberbly Buy it to. I think it be alright as long as they got a cast that matched the characters properly and had a decent story line.
i believe that if you realy are a fan of this game you appreciate the mystery of the story line and any sequal or offspring of the game would ruin its feel. its great just the way it is and any 'remake', 'sequal' or even movie could jepordise would be changed drasticaly. thats how i persoanlly felt about it anyways...:)

It might be acceptable for most game seires but this is FF, and one of the great things about FF was each game was diffrent, a mystery needing discovering, and got you to imagine. Tho I think the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII isn't all too bad, it has indeed changed how I perseve the orginal game, and its not all good in that case. The same would happen with VIII. You have a great game but add more to it and it will lose its zing regardless of how badly you want it, it really wouldn't be the same again.

Saying that I wouldn't mind seeing a spin-off prequal involving Laguna and co. As long as it stayed completly truthfull to the original story exactly and doesn't go all too overboard with its crisis so to speak.
The dropped the ball on ff12...i know...but lets have hopes for 13..even though its not looking like a good drama. i have high hopes for 14.

1. What you said about XII - that's what you think, but that doesn't reflect everyone's views.
2. We sentences of the storyline.
3. High hopes for something that doesn't exist yet?

Anyway, I can see why people don't like remakes, but take into consideration those who cannot find the games in shops, and who cannot buy online - some of these classic titles are like..non existant now for new FF fans. I had a lot of trouble getting the early FF's on Playstation, so remakes are vital if they have to pull in more fans. It may seem like a waste of money..but at the same time, it's a good money maker.
Hmm, I'm not sure about this one, but I'm leaning more towards to "yes." I love FFVIII and would love to see Squall and company again. But then again, I'm half-afraid that a sequel might be a disaster because FFVIII pretty much ended perfectly for me, so thinking of a good plot to a second installment might be a challenge. But hey, anything could happen.
No way. Come on, Squall and Rinoa got together in the end.
A sequel would be so boring and draggy.
And all the girls would look like tramps like in X-2. lol.
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