To anyone who thinks there should be a sequal to 8, game or movie

Do you think that Square should make a FFVII sequal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 26 33.8%
  • I couldn't care less

    Votes: 4 5.2%

  • Total voters
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I would not like to see FFVIII in a movie. The story, the chars, all is the best of FF series for me, and I think they would just screw it, since all they made is just oriented to be quickly produced and get in the market sooner as possible...

And even if they had good people with time to work on it, I don't think it's possible to fit the hole game story in a 2 hours movie, and it would just screw FFVIII the same.

Of course, if they made a movie just about Rinoa-Ultimecia theory, or Squall-Griever theory, then I really would like it.
Jareth said:
I would not like to see FFVIII in a movie. The story, the chars, all is the best of FF series for me, and I think they would just screw it, since all they made is just oriented to be quickly produced and get in the market sooner as possible...
They already screw it with FF:TSW, what different they can make now?
well it was nothing like ff thats for sure
the storyline was boring
For the most part, I say yes, for I am a hopeless FFVIII fanatic. This was the first of the series that I had ever played!

However, I do have to say that the game pretty much felt completed at the end... Well, that, and I expect Square will make it cheaply and it will ruin the first game for me... I am optimistic in Square-Enix's ability to totally let me down.
i dont think they should do a new game or movie, yer advent children was good but what would they base this movie on theres nothing to go on as most of the things where done in the first one, they killed the sorcesses squall died then got brought back so their isnt really much they can do in a new game that they havent done already
I think they wrapped the game up to well for there to be a sequel. FFVII left me wanting more but VIII i think was definately concluded. Seifer couldn't inherit Edea's powers anyway, unless he's really a girl and i missed something! =D

Its my second fave of the FF's and i think a sequel would ruin it
I agree with this yet what would be the next threat? would the places be the same? and the fact of the storyline

I would be for this but I really can't see a sequel to work perfectly to FF8
i could understand them making a movie based on the game, that would probably be a good movie. but a sequel? what would happen? i think the game was wrapped up pretty well and there were no signs of anything happening beyond what happened in the game.
A movie would be great...but a sequel not really....the game ended perfectly so a sequel could do the same thing like FFX-2 with the storyline.
Theres no real need to continue FFVIII its a game that ends perfectly so theres no need for a sequel, the only reall other FFVIII apareneces that they can to are easter eggs in games or characters in FF Compilation games like FF: Dissadia or Aremake on the PS3 of Final Fantasy VIII i wouldnt mind seeing that aslong as they got good european voice actors.
I love FFVIII, but ew. No. Look what they already did to FFVII - I'd rather this massacre not happen to my favorite of the series.

Although I guess I wouldn't mind a novel or something based on the story of the game itself - but definitely not a sequel or prequel.
You can't make a sequel for this game. it is complete and closed. probably the only thing they really can do with this game is to do something with the white SeeD really. not really a game, but som esmall story.
I never finished it But I think it would be a good idea to make a movie of it atleast.
i would help pay for the cost of making the game just to se a remake of it rather then a sequal

that is such a better idea than making a sequel, i always thougt the graphics for the people were abit shoddy - the pre-rendered stuff was ok and the fmvs were great but i remember the first time i ever played it (or rather a demo) and thought wow, the chars bad even back then
Here's the thing, yes a Final Fantasy VIII movie is what I have been waiting for since I beat that game. However, I doubt they could find voice actors good enough to be Squall, Rinoa, or Quistis. I'm taking a look at Advent Children, yet again, and although I adore Steve Burton (Cloud's voice, also from General Hospital) it just doesn't fit Cloud, to me. I would hate to see FFVIII meet THAT fate. I would however still go see it, even if the voices weren't THAT great.
There couldn't be a movie or a sequel to this game because everything was wrapped up perfectly. There are no "what if?" questions with FFVIII. A new game / movie would require them to think of a whole new villain, backstory for the villain (And backstories aren't FFVIIIs strongpoints) and reasons for the villain to be taking over, unlike AC where the villains are related to Sephiroth, having a new villain would just make an FFVIII sequel seem...totally random.

They could explore the Rinoa = Ultimecia theory though, but that's all. The rest doesn't need to be expanded on.
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