To anyone who thinks there should be a sequal to 8, game or movie

Do you think that Square should make a FFVII sequal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 26 33.8%
  • I couldn't care less

    Votes: 4 5.2%

  • Total voters
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It would do really good. FF VII has way too many sequels it's VIII's turn. then IX and so on.
Not that I care though.
I doubt it would do to well, unless there are many thousands of fans who are suckers for sequels. Sequels put me off FFVII, wasn't ZOMG THIS IS SQUEEEEE for FFX-2, and I'm feeling a bit iffy about FFXII: RW.

Lesson to be learned here is - no need for unecessary sequels. If you're going to make up pointless crap for the sake of it, just don't. Look at what all this new stuff did for FFVIIDOC for example.
Should there be a FF8 movie? There are times where I've thought that yes there should be one but there are also other times where I've thought no, I mean I don't think that FF8 ending left it a open to the idea of a sequel or in this case a movie like FF7, I don't really know just what exactly should happen in a FF8 movie, unless like a friend told me is the case scenario where Rinoa loses control of her powers or the supposdly theory of Ultimecia being Rinoa in a future was proven to be truth and I know I really wouldn't like that >>
I've always thought that there should be some sort of sequel to FF8, but it should be done right. I probably think this because I love FF8 fanfictions. :P

Anyway, FFX-2 was terribly rushed, and hardly thought out at all. It was more of a gameplay game rather than a storyline/consistency game, and if S-E were to make a sequel to FF8, I think they should take into consideration just how powerful the storyline for FF8 was. They had a myriad of well-developed characters, and each town had its own story to tell. It's rare for a game to do this, and if there was a sequel on the PS3 with plenty of things revamped, it would have a chance to do very well.

I wouldn't suggest that S-E do the same with FF9, however. FF9 was sandwiched between the very successful FF8 and the release of the first PS2 Final Fantasy, one that had voice acting and beautiful graphics etc. etc. The gaming community doesn't appreciate FF9 enough for what it is for any sort of movie or sequel to be successful, especially since all the characters were short and had big heads. :P

* hides *
Final Fantasy X-2 might've been chocked full of fan service to the point where it was beyond blatantly obvious, but it did have a fantastic Job System. Really, there was nothing wrong with the Gameplay, it was the plot and characters that killed it. I have nothing against playing as girls (in fact I'm very excited about FFXIII because of how awesome Lightning looks), but I think they took the whole "GIRL POWAH" thing a little too far. Although I have nothing against Yuna's transformation from reserved priestess to J-Pop Idol, I really think they could've taken it easy on the fanservice. This isn't an FFX doujinshi, it's an actually game. >_>

On the subject of a Final Fantasy VIII I said in another topic, I wouldn't mind as long as they don't get too carried away. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, on its own, was tolerable, albeit overly flashy. When they started expanding the FFVII Compilation, though, that's when it started to get ridiculous. Now we have crap like Dirge of Cerberus floating around, not to mention all the retcons they made to the plot of the original game. Nevermind the fact that it completely ruined FFVII's good name. Now, I never liked VIII as much as VII, but I'd really rather not see the same thing happen to another Final Fantasy game.

Basically, though, my main concern is that they would focus primarily on aesthetics rather than the actual plot. Given Square's, something tells me they would simply cram as many fancy stunts in as possible, then throw in a lame excuse for a plot at the last minute. If they were to make an FFVIII movie that actually served as a decent continuation to the plot of the original game, I would have no problem with it. However, if they were to make it like half the stuff in the FFVII Compilation, I probably wouldn't touch it with a ten foot Gunblade (meaning I would watch it once then never watch it again).
I think they should make movies of all the games. For two resens. !, is because i really dont think i'll be able to beat any before im 30. 2, because I think all the story lines are good and i dont want to get to adicted to playing the games like my brother.

I think they should make movie of all the games for 2 resons. 1, i dont think i could beat any of the game before im 30. 2, i think all the story lines are good and think it would be good. Oh and you wouldn't have take for ever beating a game so you know everything.
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I'd love to see a sequel movie of Final Fantasy VIII, sort of like what Advent Children was for FFVII... but only after they do that Viera spin-off movie for FFXII. XD
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Lol, an FF8 movie would be interesting.. Problem is, who will be the big bad boss of the movie? I thought the ending of FF8 sealed this series pretty nicely..
Pretty much. As for the person who said to make movies OF the actual games itself..Do you have any idea how that long would actually take? I know gameplay takes up a lot of time, but chances if they made movies for all the games...they'd miss bits out, alter things, like they've done with book-to-movie projects like LOTR and HP.
Naw, it had a beginning, middle and end, and it ended perfectly. I think a sequel would spoil it, there were no more un-answered questions at the game's ending, unlike FFVII, which had to be cleared up.

However a prequel of Laguna's past life wouldn't hurt, I would like to see more of that background. I think Laguna was a much loved character more than Squall, and his team-mates Kiros and Ward, I warmed to them anyway. ^_^
the only reason i would want a sequel would b to c what happened to squall and rinoa after the game... id b afraid tho that they'd mess with the story so much that it'd come out like x-2 and not do the story justice
Mmm...I would like to see the FF8's voice actors...If they make one I will buy it right away...PLZ SQUAR PLZZZ I WAN A FFVIIIz MOTIAN PICSHA!!! pwzzzzz!!!!

Basiclly...Yes please...*twitch*.....*twitch*
I don't want a sequel. They'd just screw the story up as they did with FF7's million spin-offs.

I'm all fore High-definition remakes. And that's it.

FF8 had beautiful FMVs, and they'd only be so much more gorgeous in higher definition.
I agree... The best SE can do with FFVIII is a high-def remake of FFVIII. In fact, I feel high-def remakes would sell better than entirely new games, both for SE and Sony, because it would give SE that much more attention and people would try to buy the PS3 to see if the remakes did justice to the original.

Listen to me, Square-Enix! This idea is genius, quit screwing up the series with your new stuff! WE WANT HIGH-DEF FF 1-9 REMAKES, NAO!
Hmm... for some reason a hi-def remake of FF8 makes more sense to me than one for FF7. I think that because FF8's style is closer to contemporary graphics that it would be easier to update it without changing too much of the tone of the imagery. Still... the environments would be fully rendered and one of the things I liked from the PSX-era FF's was the pre-rendered background (although I know plenty of people would say that's retroactive thinking).
Mmm...I would like to see the FF8's voice actors...If they make one I will buy it right away...PLZ SQUAR PLZZZ I WAN A FFVIIIz MOTIAN PICSHA!!! pwzzzzz!!!!

Basiclly...Yes please...*twitch*.....*twitch*
Don't bother your self..those selfish bastards won't listen to you.
They'd just screw the story up as they did with FF7's million spin-offs.

I'm all fore High-definition remakes
Actually, they didn't screw FFVII..They make it better.
The best SE can do with FFVIII is a high-def remake of FFVIII. In fact, I feel high-def remakes would sell better than entirely new games, both for SE and Sony, because it would give SE that much more attention and people would try to buy the PS3 to see if the remakes did justice to the original.
I agree with the remake and the sequal, who know? maybe it'll become better.
and about the PS3 buying crap..that's not even right! people will buy PS3 coz the saw how the PS2 can be and they'll buy it coz of the graphics not for a FF game, half the world don't even know FF.
Ok guys I don't belive this but you have to see this(It's not a video):
Final Fantasy VIII the remake
I'm ain't sure...but it's worth seeing.
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Edea turning evil on her own... dude...
If they would use one of those summoners, I think they should use Adel
She was badder for me than Ultimecia I thought
Back on topic, I think a FFVIII Movie would be awesome, they made the FFVII Movies good (Well DC was IMO) and I think they could easily do it with FFVIII
I would realy like if they make a movie... I always imagined when i played the game how it will look on a big screen... I think it wood be the best movie. But there is always the chance that they wont make what everyone expect.
And the liberi fatali song in the background...nice...
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