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  1. Celderon

    Release Date

    Not bad... that's a good amount even though I want it. I have other stuff to take care of first before I get it...(damn it all-_-)
  2. Celderon

    Favorite Sonic Character

    My favorite character in the Sonic series is.... Silver then I would say Shadow. To me sonic could rot lol... jk
  3. Celderon

    What Are You Currently Listening To V2

    Song: Disco Club Artist: Black Eyed Peas Rating: 8/10 Black Eyed Peas is real cool
  4. Celderon

    Anime Naruto

    The anime is real cool, well I'm glad the fillers are going to be done by spring so the new season comes out. I read the manga too so I'm way ahead of the anime. I never seen any problem with the anime....well since it is aired on Toonami
  5. Celderon

    Pika Pika

    Well it is I around the summer or mid spring, they didn't have an exact date on Daimond/Pearl, but as for the Pkmn games I've collected....well almost all of them besides, Fire Red, Ruby, and Gold. The only reason was some of my friends wanted some pokemon from the other version that they don't...
  6. Celderon


    Thanks for the heads up I know for some reason if I wasn't sure what would happen if I went that would be the first question I would ask thanks^_^ .
  7. Celderon


    Whats up peoples! I'm just droppin by looking for some RP Inferno sites and luckly I found one..soooooo I think I'm gonna chill here with you peeps. I hope I could get to meet everyone here. I always look for new things to do so I have a wide case of hobbies. Till then peoples